Author's Note

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Hey! Hey!

This book is primarily inspired by two local shows that we have here in the Philippines: Maalaala Mo Kaya? (Will you remember?) and Magpakailanman (Forever). They are weekly anthology shows in which they feature real stories of people dramatized for entertainment. Usually, it features some life lessons or something inspiring for the viewers to obtain.

There's another one that's more in tuned to what I'm trying to do. It's called Love Notes with Joe D'Mango. It's a radio program in which callers ask advice on air regarding their love problems.

So in this book, Tae and TEe are the hosts of their new anthology show Dear TaeTEe in which they read letters sent to them and they give advice on what to do next. As a narrative device, I will use ForthBeam as the characters to tell the story of the letter sender so as to separate TaeTEe the hosts and TaeTEe the narrative actors.

Because of this the stories will be strictly in 3rd Person POV. Plus it will be written in such a way that it will be open ended. If the story offers a resolution, there's no need to ask advice from the show.

That said, I am encouraging readers to also pitch their advices to the letter sender as well.

I have a lot of stories lined up for this.


Dear TaeTEeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant