Paintbrush and Gears - IV

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Tae: The next few days were somewhat robotic. I go to work while still exchanging messages with Forth. Though sometimes, he falters in messaging me because cellphone signal in their place was not that good.

He confessed that he lived midway a mountain. He had something to do in the city center before that's why he was able to continue messaging me. But now that he was staying at their place, awaiting for their enrollment, it will be harder for him to reply. Also, since it was their summer vacation and he had no allowances, he lacked the funds to finance his cellphone load and internet.

It was not a big deal for me. It was understandable as he was still a student. I offered to shoulder his expenses in the mean time.

All was well until the end of the month when a memo was release1d regarding personnel movements. This event always triggers my anxiety as I am a collorum in HR being an engineer by profession.

My worst fear came into fruition...

*riiiinggg riiiingggg*

Beam's office phone rang as he was finishing the document needed by their Assistant Vice President. When he glanced at its primitive bit screen. It displayed the name of an engineer that he had not talked with that much. Wonder what she need?

Beam raised the handset. "Thank you for calling HR. How may I help you?"

"Welcome to Envi!!!" The person on the other line exclaimed.

"What? What are you talking about?" Beam was confused.

"Didn't you see the memo yet? Hehe!" The other person chuckled.

"What memo?" Beam's heart pounded as he had the inkling what was happening.

"Check it in your work email, it's just been released." The other line said.

Beam switched windows and scrolled through his email. There on the first line read "Personnel Movements". Upon clicking it open, he was welcomed with the following texts:

The following personnel are assigned to their new positions effective 5 June, 20XX:

There were 5 names listed. His heart palpitated as he read each one. All of them transferring to their Safety Group.

Finally the entry made his head explode:

FR: Training and Development Associate, Human Resources
TO: Environment Engineer, Safety and Environment Group

Beam's jaw dropped, his heart sank.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He cried over the handset.

Tae: I was transferred to the Environment Group the following week much to my dismay. I mean, I knew it was inevitable but I was still finishing a special project in HR. I was forced to abandon it since I was needed in my new department immediately.

I shared the grim news to my mates. We had another drinking session courtesy of me. Having drinks with them was my way to unwind so they were really expecting me to come to their house.

I also shared it with Forth who was quite sympathetic of my plight. But he was still staying at their home and his replies became less and less which I understand. He still tried his best to comfort me even with his sporadic messages.

The transfer proved pivotal for me, our department, and our company in general. As soon as I physically transferred, I was deployed to handle very high level items which banked on my un-engineer like communication skills.

I mean, I had higher level of speaking and writing skills compared to your average engineer which stemmed from my stints as an IMS Engineer and as an HR Associate. My interpersonal skills was made use as well, sending me to our nearby community to socialize and hear their grievances.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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