Chapter 26 - Bitter sweet morning

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Hinata was drowned into a deep sleep, his heavy breathing was occasionally interrupted by soft whimpers; something was wrong. Something was not right. That was what Komaeda thought when he was woken up by those barely audible sounds.

He was worried, scared. He had never seen Hinata having such a suffering expression, excluding that one time, when they both were struggling with Junko. He wasn't a big fan of waking people up in their sleep, especially the ones who were important to him, but he couldn't let his lover to suffer any longer. "" he said hesitantly. It still felt wrong to him to even try to wake up the sleeping beauty but what else could he do? Certainly not let him to keep suffering from whatever he has been dreaming about, that's for sure.

The man sprung up in instant, sweat pouring out of him, his gaze disturbed, the one of a frightened animal, and arms seeking for help as he reached them almost unconsciously in his lover's way. Komaeda was confused, obviously, but offered the warmth of his body to his love and gave him some pats on his back trying to calm and soothe him with his soft hums, "Shh, Hajime.. it's fine.." he was saying softly not really sure what else could he do to make the other feel calm and relaxed.

When Hinata slowly stopped sobbing, Nagito looked into his eyes; concern written all over his face. "W-what.. what has happened just now? Did you have a nightmare..?" he asked, while still trying to think of some better reason to why Hinata has acted so frightened and not as his usual self. He had a hunch that whatever made him suffer wasn't anything trivial.

"I..I-" he bit his lip and looked away, "I can't tell you.. I'm sorry." he said with a sad smile.

Huh? He.. can't.. tell me? Why is that? "Is it because you.. don't trust me?" albino asked seriously. Suddenly a sorrowful smile appeared on his face, "I wouldn't trust myself either, if I were you! I totally understand..! Trash like me doesn't deserve anyone's attention, time, nor trust, I know it, Hajime! I-I.. understand, I-" Hajime softly patted the white locks stopping his boyfriend's self-humiliating tirade.

"You know it's not true.." his smile was warm as well as his olive eyes and managed to calm down the other man just perfectly.

He had been enjoying the pats, before he let out his voice once again, "H-Hajime.. you're okay.. You're going to be fine, right?" his facial expression filled with doubt, fear and hope that he was right.

Hajime hesitated a bit, before nodding. "Yeah...." this didn't sound convincing at all, it was a rather evasive answer which made Komaeda worry even more. He wanted to pull the brunet close to his chest and never let go, if it was going to assure his safety. "Hey.. please. Don't make such eyes, honey." Hinata asked, while frowning.

"Such eyes?" he tilted his head. Hinata caressed his cheek gently. "What eyes?" he sat up and hugged his knees.

"Sad-puppy eyes.." he laughed sadly. "It's quite fine now, okay? So don't worry so much.. let's have a breakfast. I soon have to go to work... ehh." he fell onto the bed once again. "I've used up all of my days off..." he sobbed. "I wish I could stay at home with you.." his hand softly touched Komaeda's; they intertwined their fingers. "When I'm with you, I feel like the happiest boy in the world, hehe." he blushed in obvious embarrassment. "W-was it too cliché..?" he laughed, while his cheeks were getting more and more reddish.

"N-no, no! I could say same thing!" Komaeda stated a bit too loud and eager, his eyes sparkling and expression turning into a more peaceful one as he held Hinata's hand tighter. "Go take a shower.. I'll make you some breakfast in the meanwhile~" he said while pressing his forehead against Hajime's.

Brunet looked down and stuttered feeling his heart getting surrounded with warmth like with a fluffy blanket. "Y-you don't have to.." he said seriously. "You've been doing so much for me lately, while I barely did a thing. I feel that I'm not fair towards you." although what he said increased the sad feeling within him, he felt weirdly happy too. Komaeda was just.. so loving. So good. His love was always so deep, passionate, honest.. and beautiful. He felt that he wasn't giving him enough in return.

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