Chapter One

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"Thank you for your time Mr. Hecox." The American chuckled shaking his head. "Please call me Ian." The darker haired man next to him laughed as well. "Yeah his head gets too big if he's treated to respectfully." Ian scoffed hitting his friend's side lightly. "We should be thanking you anyways Stephanie. You are the one helping us with this case." The young woman brushed some of her hair away from her face. "Oh it's nothing, thank you again." She said as she stood and turned to leave the office. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the doors shut behind her. "How'd it go?" Stephanie jumped at the voice next to her. "C'mon Rachel, you can't do that." The red head merely hummed joining the silver haired girls side as the walked through the building. "It went fine. They agreed to let us help with this case. They said we need to meet miss Nelson around noon to get a briefing." Rachel sighed picking her nails.

"Still don't know why you decided to have me tag along. "Because you're a great worker. C'mon, you and I are some of the best detectives out there. This case was practically calling us!" Stephanie said enthusiastically. Once again, Rachel sighed. "Calling you. You only wanted to do this case because it involves supernaturals." Stephanie's face reddened as she scratched the back of her hair. "What makes you say that?" Rachel narrowed her eyes. "Don't even try that Steph, you know how you are." The silver haired woman groaned looking at the ceiling. "I can't help it, they're so cool." Rachel huffed crossing her arms as the bright sun hit them. "Man it sure is sunny." She mumbled reaching for her sunglasses. "You can say that again." Stephanie agreed as she put her own shades on. 

"So, we meet Nelson at noon?" Stephanie nodded. "Yes. Ian said we'll be meeting her at a park downtown." Rachel nodded. "That gives us enough time to find the apartment and set our stuff down correct?" Stephanie frowned looking at her phone for a second. "Mm, it's 10:45. If we hurry we can probably grab a snack on our way there." Rachel chuckled. "Always eating." Her friend smiled budging her with her elbow. "Shut up." The two girls giggled as they walked through the busy city searching for the apartment. 

By eleven they had found it. A tall five stories building with a white exterior and blue trimming. "They sure hooked us up alright." Rachel muttered. The silver hair girl looked down at her phone making sure this was the place before she dragged her friend inside. A young man with black hair looked up when they came in. "Hello! How can I help you." He had a nice British accent and a soft smile in his face, but there was something off. Stephanie smiles skipping up to the desk while Rachel swallowed and kept her distance. "Hello, we were told a room was reserved for us." The man nodded looking down at his computer for a moment. "Names?" He asked smile still standing. 

"Stephanie Grey and Rachel Gray." The man arched an eyebrow receiving a giggle in return. "It's tricky. Mine as an "e" and hers had an "a". The man chuckled typing their names in the computer. "Ah, here it is. Top floor room 517." The man reached below the counter and grabbed two keycards handing them to Stephanie. "Enjoy your stay." The woman nodded giving the man a small wave. "Thanks!" Rachel glanced at the man once more and then followed her friend out of the lobby. "Alright, what kind of supernatural do you think he is?" Stephanie asked a small skip in her step. Rachel groaned slouching as she walked. "I don't know and I don't care." Stephanie frowned. "C'mon Rach, we're in New York. The place is bustling with supernaturals you're gonna have to get over it." The red head just ignored her friend choosing to stare at the ground. Stephanie sighed as they entered the elevator. 

'The two of us our from Canada. It's one of the few places in the world that don't have supernaturals. There are some there but it's nothing compared to places like America, Europe, or Asia. New York is one of the most populated supernatural locations, you see them everywhere. I grew up with Rachel and she's never liked them. They've either rubbed her the wrong way, disgusted her, or scared her, she just doesn't like them. Me on the other hand, they fascinate me. I want to meet one of every kind, it'd be amazing.'

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