Chapter Three

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"So how do you play this game?"

As annoyed as she was that they weren't using their time to discuss the case, she was rather interested in this card game the boys were playing. "So, object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. When it's your turn you have to lay down a card of the same colour or number to the pervious one. When you get down to one card you shout "uno" or else you have to draw cards." Mark explained. Stephanie nodded looking down at her hand. "Rachel you playing?" The red head shook her head. "I'll watch." Stephanie modded turning back to the table as the game began.

"Man Jack right off the bat!" Amy whines as Jack gave her a plus four. "Sorry." The green haired man giggled. "It's your turn Steph, I can't play." The silver haired girl jumped before she hummed. "Uh, it's a black card." Mark nudged Jack causing the other to jump. "Oh, sorry! The new colour is blue." Stephanie nodded, "I can do that." She said placing down a card. "Behold my nine!" Felix shouted before placing a blue nine. "Uh, behold my nine!" Mark repeated as he placed a red nine. "Oh but behold MY nine!" Jack announced slamming down a green nine. 

The three boy laughed while Stephanie just shook her head. "Uh, behold my nine?" Amy laughed lightly. The three men jumped up nearly flipping the table screaming their heads off. "Stephanie please tell me you have a nine." Felix said as he sat back down. Stephanie laughed shaking her head, "behold my two." She laughed when Felix groaned dropping his head on the table. "That was good, that was good." Jack clapped, mark still laughing his head off. 

Rachel watched the game go on and found herself laughing at some points. She had to admit the boys were pretty funny, and watching Stephanie lose her temper at the game was amusing. However, she still wasn't comfortable with the supernaturals so there were some points where she found herself clenching her hands under the table. 

"Guys think are looking very well for me." Jack began not noticing Mark place down a plus four towards him. "Yeah, I think so too." Mark chuckled watching the others blue eyes find the card. "You bastard." Jack muttered before aggressively drawing his cards. "Colours red by the way." Amy scoffed, "why red Mark!" She groaned while drawing her own cards. Stephanie gasped before she threw her card down. "Uno!" The silver haired girl jumped when she heard cheers erupt around her. Felix laughed putting out a hand for reassurance. "Sorry, we play this game every time we come here so the staff has started to cheer whenever they hear someone call uno." 

Rachel huffed, "they don't get annoyed?" Mark shook his head before placing a card. "The staff is all pretty chill." Jack chuckles as he drew a card. "I'm pretty sure one of the policies for worker is is that you can't have a stick up your ass." Stephanie nodded, her grip on her last card tightening as she watched Amy place her card. "YES!" Stephanie merely screamed as she put her card down. Rachel jumped looking at her friend in confusion. 'This is a complete new side of her.' Rachel turned away from the loud table and looked to one of the televisions. "Uh hey guys." Amy hummed following Rachel's faze before gasping. "Guys we need to go. There's been another attack." Stephanie watched a serious look fall onto the previous goofballs faces and felt herself shiver.

"Go I'll call for a car and pay real quick." Felix said stepping out of the seat. "Are you two okay with blood?" Mark asked as he led the group outside. "Are you?" Rachel shot back. Mark just looked at her and threw his hat on his head. Stephanie couldn't help but squeal when a black car pulled in front of them just as they left the building. "Come on. Wades driving." Felix said as he brushed past the group. Stephanie followed as they all packed into the car and this Wade, sped off. "Turn left Wade." Felix said and Wade whipped the car down the road. Rachel and Stephanie yelped falling towards their right. Rachel huffed when Jack fell onto her side and roughly pushed him off. "This is a fast car. Are we gonna get pulled over?" Stephanie asked holding onto her seat tightly. "No, it's got the departments logo on it, might as well be a police car. 

Stephanie nodded yelping when the car took another sharp turn. "Wade is our transport guy. He's the fastest driver who also drives safe...ish." Jack said holding onto Marks arm when they turned again. "Stop here." Felix said and Wade slammed on the brakes. Rachel, having not put her seat belt on, yelled as she jerked forward, her arms being caught by Stephanie and Jack. "Hands off." She said sending a glare to the elf who promptly let her go. As did Stephanie causing her to face plant on the floor. Mark chuckled before opening the door. "Everybody out." He said as everyone filed out. Stephanie let out a small breath adjusting her clothes and her hair. "I know right." Amy laughed doing the same. The brown haired woman sighed before she turned to Jack. 

"So what's going on?" The Irishman had put on a pair of glasses and had a tablet in his hands. "Witness described a young man with bright blue hair and large crystal blue wings walking into this here store, several moments after he entered a man with dirty blonde hair and dark red eyes. The second individual had several other persons with him when they began to ransack the store destroying everything they came in contact with. A second witness watched the winged person leave through the back before taking off through the air. After the man had left, the blonde who was then revealed to be a wolf attacked the first supernatural in its sights. The victim left in critical condition and was taken to the nearest hospital."

Jack then handed the tablet back to Wade. "So Lars is after Ethan." Mark noted. "Would seem so, the part that still doesn't make sense was him randomly striking another mutant." Jack added as he put his glasses into his pocket. "So that further proves the point of him trying to draw Ethan to him." Stephanie concluded. "So why are we here?" Rachel asked shoving her hands in her pockets. "Well. The department expects us to figure out what caused Lars to attack so spontaneously." Amy explained. Rachel huffed blowing away a piece of hair. "So let's head in."

"Wait." Felix put his hand on her shoulder ignoring the glare she gave him. He looked to Mark who pulled two guns out from the trunk of the car. "Can you shoot?" The vampire asked holding out a gun. Rachel eyed him suspiciously before she yanked it from him. "Yeah, why?" Mark hummer handing one to Stephanie as well. "In case you haven't gotten the memo, we could get attacked." Stephanie tried to hide her anxiety as she gulped. She wasn't expecting to have to fight. "If you're nervous, stay by Felix." Amy said under her breath. Stephanie looked to her sort of glad she caught on. "Mark is usually in the front, Jack close behind, and Felix usually watched the back. Stay near him and you'll be fine." Stephanie nodded glancing at the gun in her hand. "Where will you be?" 

Amy smiled putting a hand on the others shoulder. "I'll be near Jack, it'll be okay." Stephanie nodded putting a braver face on getting a snort from Rachel. "Alright, let's go." Mark said leading the group into the building. Rachel joined Stephanie's side and the girls exchanged a look. "We're not prepared for this." Stephanie mumbled. "I thought we were detectives, not soldiers. But I guess these four are so let's hope they don't get us killed." Rachel signed. "They don't have guns." Rachel hummed arching an eyebrow. "The guys don't have guns, only us girls. That's gotta mean that they're strong enough to hold their own against...soldiers." Stephanie explained.

Rachel glanced at the others. "Please, vampires are only strong when they bite, elf's are some of the weakest fae, and mermaids are only strong in water." Stephanie signed gripping the gun tighter. "We shall see." The group walked through the store, broken glass crunching under their feet. Mark glanced around, eyes narrowing at every crevice. "Mark." The vampire turned to Jack who gestured with his head to the right. Mark moved the group that direction. "This must be where it happened." Felix said as they came into the aisle. "Must be." Amy added looking at the blood staining the shelves. "Ruthless supernatural." Rachel spat. "Shut it." Rachel flinched when Felix glared at her. 

"Lars has attacked each of his victims the same way. As soon as he figures out Ethan is gone he pounces." Jack said. The Irishman leaned down next to the shelf examining the blood. "Jack." Mark growled. Jack swiped his finger through the blood before he stood up straight and turned to Mark. Rachel sucked in a breath stepping back as Jack held his finger in front of Marks face. The vampire licked the stripe of blood from Jacks finger and furrowed his eyebrow. "Is he crazy?" Rachel said wide eyed. Mark licked his lips before muttering "neko, middle aged woman. Neko's are known to be great allies of fairies so if he's trying to get to Ethan than this would be the way to go." Mark sighed squeezing his eyes shut. Jack ran a hand through his fluffy hair a few times. 

"Right so now we know he's trying to bring Ethan to him but why?" Amy said. "I still think he wants the wings." Stephanie replied. "We need to get in contact with Ethan." Jack muttered, lightly scratching Marks scalp. "I think I know what the department wants now." Felix announced. All heads turned to him as he sighed. "I think they want us to get Ethan home."

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