Chapter Two

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Rachel groaned rolling over as she began to wake up. A small lamp in the corner of the room had turned on and was giving off a dull light. She assumed it was to help the occupant of the room wake up properly. The red head sighed and snuggled back into the bed before she heard her door swing open. "Rise and shine sleepy head!" Stephanie should fully turning on the lamp. Rachel growled chucking one of the pillows at her. "Go away!" She shouted. Stephanie giggle catching the pillow before walking over to the bed. 

"Can't sleep all day! We gotta get some breakfast in us before we go meet the guys." Rachel rolled her eyes letting out a harsh breath. "I don't want to meet with those freaks." Stephanie frowned and crossed her arms. "You can dislike them all you want but don't call them freaks. They're just like us with with a little more pizzazz." The silver haired girl pushed off the bed and tore the covers away from her friend. "Um excuse me! You a-hole!" Stephanie laughed before leaving the room. She was already dressed in a white button up tucked into a black skirt. She wanted to look professional of course. 

After a few minutes Rachel crawled out of her room and into the kitchen. "We don't have anything up here. Well have to buy some stuff while we're out. Good thing they serve breakfast here!" Stephanie said as she slipped some black shoes on. Rachel groaned turning around to go back to her room. "You've got ten minutes Rach!" She heard a muffled curse thrown at her and laughed as she sat on one of the couches. She let out a small breath as she used her phone to touch up her hair. She had pulled the silver strands into a side ponytail that fell over her left shoulder. 

Rachel would call it her mom hairstyle. Stephanie rolled her eyes standing when she heard Rachel's door open again. "This is my version of profession. You either like it or hate I don't care." Rachel mumbles running a hand through her hair to "brush" it. She wore a large blue band t-shirt with blue jeans and some black boots. "Looks more profession than what you usually wear so I'll take it." Stephanie chuckled. Rachel crosses her arms blowing a strand of hair from her face. "Shall we take our leave?" Stephanie nodded following the red head out of the room and down to the lobby. 

"Good morning ladies!" The young man at the desk greeted them as they walked by towards the dining room. "Good morning." Stephanie cheered while Rachel just gave a small wave. A strong smell of cinnamon, waffles, and fruit his the girls noses and they found themselves drooling. "Oh it smells so good." Rachel mumbles as they joined the line for food. "I know! What are you getting? I think I'm gonna get a waffle with eggs and bacon. Either that or two pancakes with some fruit." Stephanie said putting a finger in her chin in thought. "Oh I'm just getting like five cinnamon rolls." Rachel laughed when Stephanie gave her a look.

"Whatever fills you up." She shrugged as they move in the line. "Hello." Another young man, with dark brown hair and a British accent greeted them with a wave of two fingers. "Good morning!" Stephanie quickly answered. "Um, may I have two pancakes and a fruit bowl?" The man nodded assembling her plate right away. "Anything to drink?" Stephanie looked behind him at the various drinks. "Orange juice is fine." The man hummed handing her a plate and then one of the bottle of juice. "Thank you!" She smiled. "My pleasure." The man said a small smile finally gracing his lips. 

Stephanie left Rachel as she went and searched for a table. She found a booth next to a window and decided to sit there enjoying how the warm sun hit her perfectly. "Fire spirit. I'm calling it." Rachel said as she found the table. "Hmm you think so? I wasn't even getting supernatural vibes from him." Rachel shrugged digging into her first cinnamon roll. "He has brown eyes that were flecked with gold and he had the complete opposite demeanor than the desk dude." Stephanie made and "oh" noise before she began eating. "So the case, what do you think of it?" Rachel rested her chin on her hand for a moment.

"Sounds pretty weird to me. Like, we would a powerful department like Ian's have trouble with a case like this. I don't understand why they had to bring us or "some of their best workers" into this case. Maybe I'm over thinking it but I don't know." Stephanie shook her head quickly. "No I agree with you. It does seem pretty suspicious, but Any said there was more that she wasn't telling us so maybe those are the prices missing." Rachel hummed shrugging her shoulders. "We'll find out eventually. Either they'll tell us or we'll just figure it out in our own." Rachel smirked and Stephanie laughed.

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