My Lovely Friend

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This story is about two teenagers that fall in love at a party. * * *There was a girl- Bella. Prideful in her walk, careful in her talk. Beautiful dark hair, caring brown eyes and a sexy dress striped around her waist.There was also a boy- nerdy, funny, easy- going... The two, from different worlds were pushed together by a certain Katherine Prince. And it went like this, exactly."Joseph!" she screamed. "Meet Bella!"That, lovely readers, is how love happens. When two people meet at a party after being shoved into each other by a friend."Hey," he said nervously. He stuck out his hand and Bella shook it.Neither let go for a very long time. Bella? Yes Joseph? Why aren't you letting go? Because you didn't let go Joseph. Ummm...ok. *2 hours later* Still holding hands? Yes Katherine Prince. Says Bella. She won't let go. Says Joseph. I love you Joseph. Wait-what? Katherine Prince did Bella just say what I think she said? Yes Joseph. Says Bella. I did I said I love you. How? We've only met each other 3 hours ago. Says Joseph. It's a love connection. Is that true Katherine Prince? Yes, yes it is. *Joseph looks at Bella.* Yes Joseph? I'm... I'm...I'm *Bella cuts him off*. SPIT IT OUT. I'm in love with you! Aww you feel the same way. Of course I do!! I have to *Joseph cuts her off with a kiss.* Sorry Bella. Don't be! What were you going to say? I have to go Joseph. NO Please stay! I have to Joseph. Ok see you * Cuts him off with a kiss.* See you tomorrow Bella!!! See ya tomorrow Joseph! 

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