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"y/n, i want you to go with akutagawa in his assassination mission today," mori states plainly, looking up at you expectantly as you stare at him. your expressionless face remained the same until he continued, understanding you had no intention or responding. "i need you to know other people in the organization. that way, you have allies if you so happen to need them." he further explains, which does nothing to encourage your cooperation on the matter. but you cannot refuse.

"i'll cooperate." you mumbled, spinning around on your heel and walking quickly to the exit of your boss's office.

"y/n," he says your name, causing you to turn around and raise a questioning eyebrow, expecting further explanation for holding you off on your departure. "i need you to do well on this mission. i have no doubt both you and akatugawa will get the job done quickly. it must be done as soon as possible."

you nod your head in understanding, and exit the room. you hadn't seen chuuya since your mission the day before yesterday, and you weren't too eager to see him after his strange reaction to your threats. you ignored the odd nauseating feeling it gave you, although it wasn't totally unpleasant. it felt like there were bugs swarming your insides, but you didn't read much into it. you decided that this unfamiliar emotion was better left as uncharted territory. you just hoped the feeling didn't persist.

you continued down the hallways of the port mafia HQ and down a couple flights of stairs until you reached the front entrance of the building, where akutagawa was standing by the doors, no doubt waiting for you to show up.

he noticed you and stood taller, a grimace on his face as he regarded you distastefully.

"i assume you must be the y/n, l/n that everyone has been talking about?" he questioned, his voice laced with poorly hidden disgust as he began walking out of the building without you.

you quickly caught up, but offered no verbal response to his question. you just nodded your head and followed him into the back seat of a sleek black car.

"can't you speak?" his annoyance was growing quickly, but you weren't sure what was the source of his irritation. you noted it as possibly just a naturally bad attitude and a short temper in the back of your mind.

"i can." you say, your voice steady as you turned your head away from the window. "but most people don't like the things i end up saying."

akutagawa nodded, his serious expression never faltering as you spoke. what was his deal?

"it seems you have quite the sharp tongue, girl." he states, his observation making you chuckle softly.

"that could very well be the case, but i just speak what's on my mind." you admit, turning back to stare at the buildings and houses whizzing by as you drove through the city, on your way to your mission point.

"well i'd say that makes two of us. but i speak with dignity," he claims, raising questions within you as you raised an eyebrow, but did not turn to look at him again. you expected him to continue, which he did. "you speak like you can't even determine whether you're a lapdog, or a boss."

his words struck confusion in you and you turn to glance at him, a quizzical expression taking over your features. "what's that supposed to mean?" you question, crossing your legs.

"it means that you don't know who you are." he spit, the beginnings of a clear dislike for you sprouting beneath his words. his eyes said it all.

you stepped out of the car as it came to a stop, and made your way towards the alleyway akutagawa was already strolling towards.

it was a wide alleyway, between two big buildings, which lead to a parking lot shared by the two companies you were walking between.

"you think i speak like i'm conflicted with myself?" you reiterate, clarifying for yourself as another small chuckle makes its way past your lips. "you would be wrong. i speak emotionlessly perhaps not because i'm conflicted, but maybe because i've already decided that you're not worth the hassle of expressing anything to in the first place. i'm here to do my job."

depth of darkness || nakahara chuuya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now