A Beautiful Morning in the Land of the Rising Sun (AsaKiku)

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"Engrand-San?" Japan asked, walking into an eyebrowed Brit's bedroom. England opened an eye, and sat up. Both his eyes opened delicately ws hr examined the room. Sunlight washed over the room from the windows, and birds chirped from outside. "I aporogize for waking you but I have finished breakfast." The Brit shook his head and gave the short man a gentle smile, "Don't worry about it lad." The Japanese man gave a polite smile back, gave a small bow, and began walking back to the kitchen.

England got up and followed Japan to the room where he would be eating, dining. One could call it a dining room. He saw two bowls of steamed rice sitting on the table with what he assumed to be accompanied by yakizakana and tea. The blonde sat down politely and whispered a soft Christian prayer.

He snapped his chopsticks and began eating. Eventually the Japanese man joined him. The breakfast they shared was silent, but it wasn't awkward, it felt peaceful. Both nations were known for their manners, Japan being hospitable and England being a gentleman. However, silence got awkward after a while, and England was itching to talk with Japan. He cleared his throat quietly and took a sip of tea.

"I see you share a love of tea." Japan gave a polite nod. England examined him eating, he drifted off into thought looking at the Japanese man and hadn't realized he began staring. Japan blushed a bit, "E-Engrand-San, it's imporite to stare..." The Asian warned him softly. He didn't mind the gaze in actuality, it just made his heart race. "R-Right, sorry Japan." England apologized, his smile drifted a bit as he went back to eating. His face was dusted with a light blush. Mainly from embarrassment, or that's what he assumed.

The rest of breakfast was followed by silence. After the two finished, Japan offered a short tour of his home. "Sure." England answered in response to his offer. Japan got up and led England around his house, eventually they got to the garden. They walked peacefully along the paths, admiring the scenery of the Asian's beautiful garden. "Your garden is exquisite Japan." Japan nodded softly, "Thank you Engrand-San." The two continued along the path quietly, then England felt his hand brush Japan's gently.

Japan's face grew slightly pink, but turned into a deeper red as he took the European's hand, holding it rather firmly. England let a soft chuckle escape his lips as a smile formed on his face. Then, gently, he held the Japanese man's hand back.

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