Ice Bucket Challenge (AmeriPan)

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America crept to a barred window outside of Japan's house. He smiled mischievously as he carried a large bucket of ice. He made it right outside the window as he took out a small step stool. He stepped up with the bucket of ice and broke the bars off the window. "ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE DUDE!" America exclaimed, pouring the bucket of ice into the bathroom. 

A loud scream was heard from inside of the bath. "America-San!" Japan yelled, jumping out of his now ruined bath. America looked in, uncensored by his nudeness. "Hey Dude! What's up‽" Japan glared and wrapped a robe around himself, he kept his composure and sighed. "America-San. Prease refrain from barging in on my reraxing bath time, and fix the window." America sighed, and smiled charmingly. "Sorryyyy dude. I'll fix your window in a sec. Can I come in first." 

Japan groaned quietly and rubbed his temples. "I suppose… Just come around the front and I'rr ret you in." America nodded and ran around to the front. Japan walked to his sliding door and opened it. America hugged his friend tightly which caused the Asian to jump away. "America-San don't touch me!" America sighed a bit, then he shrugged and smiled. "Kay. But y'know you'll never get used to my hugs if we never touch." Japan nodded a bit. 

He let his mind wonder for a moment, he nodded again. "You're right. Werr then… Wirr you get me used to it?" He looked at America, slightly blushing. America's face warmed up, as he nodded quickly. He gently hugged Japan. The petite Japanese man hugged America back. At first it was only a slight return of the embrace but for some reason he felt comfortable in the American's arms. He hugged him back tighter, letting his body completely rest on America. 

The blush on both of the country's faces grew in the sweet embrace. America supported Japan, and Japan completely trusted America. The originally intense smile the American had, softened into a sweeter, calmer one. "Dude… I really like you being in my arms…" He mumbled softly, Japan hugged him closer, relaxing his body more. "I-I rike being in your arms…" The ravenette stuttered. 

America smiled more, he picked up Japan and sat down. He set the Asian on his lap and held him closer. The two now being able to see each other, gazed into the eyes of one another. America leaned in quietly, letting all of his prior nervousness that he had drift away. His eyes closed as his lips parted ever so slightly. Japan allowed him to get as close as he wanted, also closing his eyes softly. 

The two connected their lips. The kiss the two shared was not long, or passionate, just tender and sweet. As they parted, they reopened their eyes and gazed again. America's gaze, gentle and calming. Japan's gaze, curious and warm. Together they stayed peacefully. (America did eventually fix Japan's window)

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