Comforting Tea (GerPan)

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Germany sat quietly as he waited for Japan to come to his home. He had invited him over to discuss what they would do now that Italy was gone from the Axis. He was a pussy so neither of the two were surprised and actually had talked about this scenario before. Japan got to the door and knocked, he dusted his shirt off while waiting for Germany to answer. 

Germany got up and walked to the door, opening it up and letting Japan walk in. "Hallo Japan." Japan walked in and slipped off his shoes politely. "Herro Germany-San." He bowed as he greeted Germany. Germany brought him to a table and sat down with him, two teacups sitting on the table. "So, as you know, Italy surrendered a-again." 

Germany's lip quivered a bit, it was clear he was upset about Italy leaving them, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Japan was also upset, he was much better at masking his emotions than Germany though. He sensed the mood and put his hand on Germany's. "I aporogize for touching you, but I feer you are upset. I am arso unhappy with Itaria-Chan reaving… But we can not do anything. I am here for you as your arry and, as your friend." Germany felt a little smile form on his face. He had only known Italy as a friend, unsure if Japan had the same feeling of friendship towards him. 

Now their feelings of friendship were confirmed. "Perhaps we should take a break Germany-San. Ret us drink tea peacefurry." Japan suggested, turning to face his cup and taking a sip of tea. Germany did the same and the two sat quietly. They looked at the ground in silence, gradually the two grew closer to each other. Germany held Japan's hand softly, "I'm sorry." He mumbled. Japan nodded, "It's arright Germany-San." He held Germany's hand back, giving it a comforting squeeze. 

Carefully, he caressed the German's fingers comfortingly. The two both smiled at each other softly, not much went on besides that. The two were both too nervous to do more than that, so they stayed a distance apart. Still, they enjoyed the company as each other. Keeping silent and staying peaceful. 

Hetalia Oneshots (REQUESTS OPEN)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα