Mud & cracked phone screens

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"@austinnorth55 you should come adventure with me & ride horses!" I quickly replied after seeing Austin's tweet with the gorgeous pictures of him adventuring! Yeah, it was a bit fangirl-y & I cringed a little bit while typing it out but what's that saying my dad always uses on me...oh, "you can't win if ya don't play the game." So I decided to shoot my shot & tweet Austin. What's the worst that could happen? Him not answering? Psh that always happened. I slid my phone into my back pocket & opened the gate, walking into the barn to get a bale of hay for the horses. I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly jerked my phone out of my back pocket only for it to go flying. I dove trying to save my poor phone from another cracked screen only to trip over the hay bale & end up face first in the mud. With a broken phone screen. Fml. Austin better have tweeted me back after all this mess I thought. I stumbled to my feet desperately trying to wipe the mud off my face while checking my phone.
"Your TSC item(s) has shipped from order 1042225. Visit for details. Reply TSCSTOP to opt-out."
Are you kidding me? That was anti climactic. I rolled my eyes stuffing my newly cracked phone back into my pocket & grabbed a halter walking out into the pasture to catch my horse Wildfire. After twenty minutes of playing "how much can I make the human run?" I finally had my horse caught, haltered, & waiting in the round pen. I sent him around trotting, sometimes changing direction, to make sure he was paying attention to me. When I felt that I'd successfully ran some of his energy out, I saddled him up, & put my foot in the stirrup. I paused ready to pull myself into the saddle as I felt my phone vibrate continuously. What in the world? It just kept going off, one time after another. My interest was piqued so I pulled my phone out still with one foot in the stirrup. I had 28 twitter notifications. Well that's odd considering that I have a big bad 300 followers. I went to my notifications. "Austin North replied to your tweet" it said.

Catching feelings. A story about you & Austin North.Where stories live. Discover now