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Kuboyasu's P.O.V
I was really happy to see Shun smiling and having high confidence for him self again,he just continued to hold onto me and I found that really cute. He let go and looked into my deep purple eyes,I don't know what it is with me and looking at Shun's face,he's too precious and I never expected to have a friend like him after being a delinquent for basically my whole life. 'Of course,I have strong feelings for Shun...a crush in other words. I just really love him and I can't help the fact that I do...this isn't bromance no...I guess I have to accept the fact that I'm g-gay' I said in my head,I felt my cheeks get hot and looked to the side. Shun finally spoke. "So uh what do you want to do now?" I look back. "Well let's see,I have video games we can play." Shun smiled slightly as I knew he loved video games. "Oh really! What type?" "Minecraft,Call of duty,Overwatch" Shun started to get excited. "OH MY GOD YES!! I love all of those games let's play Minecraft !!" I chuckled. "Alrighty then."
Kaidou's P.O.V
With all my excitement I grabbed both of the controllers Aren had and gave one to him,he turned on the PS4 and we both began to play. "Whoa Shun watch out!!" Aren exclaimed as a creeper was about to explode right behind me,my avatar quickly ran away as soon as the creeper exploded. "Oh that was a close one,thanks Aren" "No problem!". We continued to play all day,make inside jokes,have fun and did everything. As I posted out tiktok meme Aren and I made together I noticed the time. 7:28 PM. "OH SHOOT!" I quickly grabbed all my stuff in panic knowing my mom was waiting for me to come back home. "Huh? Shun what's wrong?" Said Aren, "It's getting late I gotta get back home or else my mom will be really mad at me!". "O-Oh! Well want me to walk back with you? I mean it's pretty dark out and I just wanna make sure you get there safe." I look out the window and see how dark it is. "Sure...but just saying I could have gone out by my self anyways" I said as we walked down stairs and to the front door. "Heh sure.." I got a little mad. "It's true!" I opened the door and we started walking back to my house. As we walked I felt something hold my hand,I look to the side and see Aren looking away with with hand on his head and his other holding mines. I blush, "I d-don't want you to get hurt and I'm just holding your hand just cuz..." Aren said. I look away. "O-Okay um...yeah..".
Kuboyasu's P.O.V
The rest of the walk was pretty awkward but I just couldn't resist it,my body just said I needed to. Shun's hands were so soft and smooth,and I wanted to be there always by him. We arrived at his house and I let go of Shun's hand,I looked down at Shun and saw him hesitantly walk up to the door and knock on it. He looked so worried so I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey don't worry it's gonna be alright" he looked up and nodded. The door opened and we were greeted with I assume Shun's smaller brother Toki. "Hm? Oni-chan you're finally back! Uh but who's this?" He said as he looked up to me with a tilted head. "Oh Toki! Well uh..um this is Aren" Shun said still in a worried tone. "Oh yeah the kid you've been talking about all the time with the nice hair and cool glasses right?" I blinked. "Wh-What?" Shun gets all red. "Toki who are you talking to at the door I told you to not randomly open the door to random strange-" suddenly Shun's mom comes and Shun clutches his fists looking down. "Mama I'm so sorry please don't get mad at me! Me were just having such a good time and—" He get's cut off by his mother. "What in the world happened to you." I see Shun start to cry and cover his face. "I'm sorry!! I've done such a horrible choice I got beaten up my bullies today and I came home late and I know I'm such a horrible son I'm very very sorry!" The way Shun said it was so...strong but in a bad way like so much crying I felt bad for him. I looked at Shun's mom and she had a permanent stunned face on her. She then grabbed Shun's hand and dragged him back in the house, "Come in" and with that the door just shut on my face! I didn't even get to say bye to Shun or try to make him feel better. "Wait what? Now what?!" I said as I still heard Shun's cries from inside. And then Mrs. Kaidou opened the door and looked me straight in the eye, "Don't ever hang out with my Shun baby ever again." She said in such a serious mad tone,and shut the door on me again. 'No...NO! This—is all my fault! Now I can't be able to hang out with Shun anymore but...his mom doesn't understand that I'm the one who took care of him!' I this point I had no idea what to do,I just walked away feeling so guilty and went back home.

The next day...
Kaidou's P.O.V
The sun light shined on my face from the half opened curtains,I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling,everything that I remembered from yesterday came flashing through my head. I look down and see the tear stains from me crying my self to sleep last night. '...oh no...did...all of that just really happen?' I think to my self. I sit up and rub my eyes,I sigh. "I don't even want to go to school today" I mumble to my self,I then realize going to school meaning I have to also see Aren. I gasp. 'Oh no I don't want to see or talk to Aren after what happened yesterday!' I frown and get up. I look in the mirror and see how red my eyes are,next to the mirror is my small trash bin and in it is all my bandages Aren put on me. I finally get all dressed and ready to go to school,as I walk down stairs with my bag I see my mama in the kitchen staring out the window, 'I mean it'd be rude not to give her a goodbye kiss like I always do...' I walk up behind her. "Uh...mama I'm gonna go to sc-school now so.." She turns around and looks at me with a neutral face sort of like Saiki. "Shun let me tell you something before you go. Please,don't hang out with that person ever again you here me?" My eyes widened a little. 'Aren...does she mean Aren??' I look down then up. "Wait but mama you don't understand he-" She cuts me off. "You heard me Shun,now go I don't want you to be late." She kissed me on the cheek and waved me goodbye. I stood there for a moment and than just went out the door. 'Today is gonna be so awkward!! I also can't believe mama wants me to not hang out with Aren anymore and to top it all off she has no idea I'm gay for him!!!' I panic in my head as I walk and find Saiki and Nendou,I run up to them.
Saiki's P.O.V
Yare Yare. As much as I don't really care about Aren or Kaidou,my curiosity beats me,and I got a bad feeling something real bad is gonna happen,so I might as well have to check on them from time to time. I sigh,it feels a little weird now that Kaidou isn't as talkative as much after what happened but I understand,at least he's not screaming in my ear this time...his thoughts are. What a pain. So reader we will leave off here,join me as we find out what goes on with Aren and Kaidou in the next chapter,now...I need some coffee jelly.

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