゚*♡:✼ 2 ✼:♡* ゚

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(A/N) The drawing above is mine UwU
Get comfy because this chapter is unusually long.

Additional disclaimer: All dialogues are in Italian unless it's specified otherwise. This chapter contains sexual harassment.


If I'm honest, I am not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. After wandering aimlessly through the streets for a while, I realized this whole trip was a little pointless since I hadn't inspected the apartment property. I could have a totally different name for all I knew. That would be really troublesome if I stumbled upon an acquaintance or a friend.


Despite being a sketchy neighborhood it's a beautiful place.
The houses may be small and some even have cracks and chipping paint on their façades but that portrays some sort of rustic style to it. There are a few appartement buildings, the tallest one has about 5 floors; there are some small restaurants too.

I find it mesmerising.

There's not much to do right now, so I decided to return home after an hour or so.

At least I know where the supermarket is if I don't have food at home.


"Hey hey hey, bro!" The man said getting his partner's attention. "Look at that chick" He said pointing at your figure walking down the street.

"Focus man, we have to complete a job right now" The other reprimanded, rolling his eyes in the process.

"She's a cutie, totally my type!" The guy exclaimed, eyeing the girl.

"Dude, stop being a creep" The other said annoyed at his partner's behaviour. "I know you're excited, but you just got in! Believe it or not they're still testing you. Don't bring unnecessary attention to your persona."

"Yeah yeah, if you say so." He said brushing off his partner's complaints.

I rummaged through the whole house. Inspecting every drawer, box and closet in the house carefully. I even found a some cash hidden inside the mattress.
According to the identification documents I found, I am 16 years old and have a permanent Italian Residence.

Today was an unusually hot day. The temperature in this time of the year should be mildly warm, but 29C° is too much!
My little stroll left me sweaty and a little sticky, so I searched through the small closet for some clothes and a towel. Then, I proceded to take a really refreshing bath.

I turned on the shower's tap setting it to this-is-freaking-antartica temperature and just let the showerhead slowly fill the bathtub. Afterwards, I began to get rid of the robe that covered my anatomy and reached for the beauty products in the nearby shelf. As expected, there was a scarcity of variety when it came to the scents of these soaps and shampoos, but what triggered me the most was the quality of these. They were... um, how should I put it? Really cheap. So cheap that you could compare them to the cost of soil. What I held in my hand were tiny shampoo sachets of diverse brands and scents, as well as a minuscule bottle of hotel liquid soap and a laundry soap.
I actually haven't seen these brands anywhere else other than really low quality inns and motels.

Really, how cheap are the gods of death?

I opted to open the worst ones and put their liquidy contents into the bathtub, leaving me with two sachets of rose scented shampoo for me to use. At least I'll smell like a Bath & Body Works store, speaking of, did they have stores in Italy in 2000? Because I desperately need to restock on bath products.
Wait, I should be checking how much I make a day before wasting any money.

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