In Distress, a Pleading First Mate

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Mal looked at him, somewhat apprehensively. "Why?"

"It's important," Harry said quickly. He had dropped Uma's necklace and was supporting her with both arms now. He looked pleadingly at Mal. "I need to talk to you. I need to."

"Okay..." Mal took a few steps away from her guards. They followed her. In desperation, Harry started anyway.

"Uma's sick. I don't know what's wrong with her. We'll give you the necklace- I just need you to take us to Auradon to get her treated. We'll give you the necklace. I ran away from the guards just so they'd capture me and bring me here. I need to get Uma to Auradon before she gets worse."

"Wait a minute." Ben entered the conversation. "You gave my guards trouble so they'd bring you here to ask for a favor?"

"I need to get Uma to a decent doctor," Harry begged. "Take us to Auradon."

"How do I know this whole thing isn't just a ploy to get you onto Auradon where you can make trouble?" Mal demanded. "No offense, Harry, but you're not exactly the type to just come quietly in and then quietly leave, even if Uma really is sick. And why should I do anything for you?"

"Mal, please," Harry begged. Uma's limp form shuddered slightly in his arms, and he tightened his hold. "I need to get her to a doctor. I won't make any trouble. I swear."

Mal did not appear convinced.

"Perhaps I could suggest something?" one of the elder guards said softly. Everyone looked at him.

"Perhaps this young man could offer something as collateral to ensure his cooperation during his stay at Auradon, while the young lady is being treated."

"Excellent idea, Gareth," Ben said quietly. "Mal?"

Mal nodded. "Fine. That sounds fair. But whatever I want as collateral, I get," she added sharply to Harry, whose knees almost buckled with relief.

"Yes. I'll give you whatever you want."

"Fine then," Mal agreed. "You and Uma can come to Auradon. Uma gets treated. You'll have to stay at Auradon Prep. You don't have to come to classes if you don't want to-"

"Any trouble, and both of you get thrown out," Ben interrupted. "You'll get your collateral back when you go back to the Isle with Uma, all right?"

"Yes, yes, fine," Harry said impatiently, still holding Uma upright. "No fighting. No noise. No breathing. You won't know I'm there. What do I have to give you?"

Mal looked him straight in the eye.

"Your hook."

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