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Who is the most affectionate?

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Who is the most affectionate?

I think both of them are pretty affectionate, though I feel like Rosalyn is more likely to show her love through gift or touching, as Penelope is more of showing it through emotions.

Who's the big spoon? Who's the little?

It may be a surprise, but there's no big spoon or little spoon. It's depending on their mood, sometimes Rosalyn is the big spoon, but sometimes she just wants to be held.

Most common argument?

Sometimes Rosalyn has her doubts about resolving the merge, so she gets sad and believes that she should just let one of the twins absorb her, and that's when she and Penelope fights the most.
Though, once all that is over, they don't get into serious arguments anymore. Then it's all like "You forgot to wash the mug" or "You left a lot of hair in the bathroom".

Favorite non-sexual activity?

Dance slowly in their room. There may be no music, but it doesn't matter, they'll do it anyway if they want to.

What's their favorite feature of their partner? (Both physical and non-physical)

Rosalyn's favorite physical feature of Penelope is probably her eyes. There's something so alluring in them that Rosalyn can't help but love them.
As for the non-physical, it's probably that she's patient. Not many people realize that one of Penelope's greatest features, it's that she's really patient.
And not only on little things like when Rosalyn spend so much time on her morning showers. Penelope is patient with Rosalyn finding herself, and it's always patient on finding the problem with the merge, ending up being the only one still hopeful on that.

Penelope's favorite physical feature of Rosalyn is her voice. It's not only the accent, but also how raspy her voice sounds, and the very unique way she has with words.
Penelope's favorite non-physical feature of Rosalyn's resilience. She's always brushing the dirt off of her shoulder and getting up back, no matter what. And Penelope admires that from her.


Penelope has lots of nicknames for her, using Everest, Ross, and cutie, while Rosalyn nicknames for Penelope are Peez, babe, and gremlin.

Who worries the most?

Penelope, but that's because Rosalyn is often doing risky things.

Who reaches for the other's hand first?

Rosalyn. She's always trying to be in physical contact with Penelope, whenever they are in the same room.

Who wakes up first?

Rosalyn. She has that weird internal alarm that no matter if it's a holiday, weekend, or whatever, she will wake up early.

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