ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

127 5 17

While at work, dealing with the hustle and bustle of hungry costumers, Erica worked hard as a waitress. Slipknot's success would let her live comfortably at home with no need for such a mediocre job, but Erica was independent. Or so she'd prefer to be.

The dull throb of a threatening headache wrapped the back of her head. She recalled the events of last night.

After the pub was a blur for Erica, many things happened that only left vague memories. From kissing some man to Corey beating the shit out of the guy, while being carried away. Not to mention the awful twinge that came from her left knee.

Erica knew she should've gone to the doctor, but she convinced herself it'd heal by itself.


The sudden voice startled Erica, her knee nearly giving way at such a fright.

It was Corey, with Mick and Joey behind him waving at her.

"Don't scare me like that, geez. I'll be at your table in a sec." She said, waving them off, too busy cleaning table five.

The men took their seats nearby. Joey and Corey continued their talk of work, while Mick chimed in here and there. His eyes were too busy.

Erica moved to the next tabletop down the row of booths. The feeling of eyes upon her made her nerves squirm. But, she learned to push aside such feelings after many a year. She exerted herself to work harder, keeping her mind away from the sense.

A teen walked in with his girlfriend. Erica looked over at the guys, mouthing, to give her a second.

Erica greeted the couple with a southern "Welcome" as she did with all of the customers. The boy ordered quick, but the girl couldn't make up her mind.

'Ma'am, I've told you three times now, the specials are, Panzanella, Waldorf Salad, Prosciutto, Ribollita, and Gelato.'

The girl giggled, "Oops, my bad, I--"

"She'll have the Prosciutto." interjected the boy.

Erica sighed in relief, "Thank's sweetheart, at least someone here isn't a bimbo."

Erica looked up from her notepad to see the scoff on the girlfriend's face, "Your drinks will be out shortly." she said and grinned as if nothing happened.

Mick got the attention of the others as Erica made it to their table. Letting out a breath she didn't know she held Erica clicked her pen.

"That was pretty heavy, what was that all about?" questioned Corey.

Joey piped in, "Whatta bitch."

Erica sighed again, telling them of her past few months of work. It wasn't awful per se, yet still rather shitty. Customers aren't going to respect their waiters or waitresses, that's something to be expected when dealing with any stranger. She went off into a tangent, going on about the many a time coffee scalded her hands and arms, and the impossible-to-remove stains by brats throwing their food.

Erica pointed to a large stain on her skirt, "That one came from the mom. She through her class of wine at me because she didn't like what I told her son," She pointed to a cluster of small faded stains on her top, "Who did that."

"What did you say to him?" asked Corey.

'Boys who don't eat their vegetables go to Hell.'

The trio broke out into a laughing fit.

'Anyways, y'all want the usuals?'


The calming cool of her lonely covers soothed her tired spirit. Erica stretched and yawned atop her bed-- it was this first thing she'd do after a long day of work. But like always, Erica let out a groan, going from her bed to the shower.

Erica nearly jumped out of her skin when someone came knocking.

"What!" she called over the water's noise in a hateful tone. The thought of being caught naked was always a nagging fear of hers every time she showered.

It was Corey. "Stop hoggin' the water!" he shouted back, "Mick needs a shower too!"


Overthrown by her confusion, Erica quickly finished rinsing off. The sound of the house came to life again when she turned the shower off. Erica through on her pajamas and rushed for the living-room.

Corey stood in the kitchen chatting with Mick, while, Jim and Joey were busy watching TV. Just then, Erica felt a ding in her pocket from her phone. A notification flashed on the screen of her calendar. It read:


Erica silenced the alarm. She had forgotten Corey was having a get together with SlipKnot after finishing their latest work. However, that still didn't explain why Mick had to shower in her bathroom.

When Mick left Corey for his bag of necessities, Erica pulled Corey to the side.

'Why does Mick need my bathroom?'

'Because Chris is using mine.'

Erica rolled her eyes before falling behind Mick into her room. After showing him the hot and cold, Erica rushed out again for the living-room.

Zoning out of the conversation she held with her brother, Erica's hand lightly massaged her knee as she thought more of Jim's wedding. The discomfort from whatever happened the other night came crawling back to her nerves. And after a hard day's work, the throbbing ache became an almost intolerable pain, shooting up her left thigh.

"Hey," Corey poked her side, "You still listening?"

Erica faced her brother, hand still massaging her injury, "Yeah, you can continue." Before looking back at the flashing television screen.

'Anyways, as I was saying: Do you think I should-- blah blah blah... Mick-- blah blah blah... '

Erica fell back into her thoughts again. Anxiety and doubt still plagued her over Jim's big day. But his comforting words always interjected.

'Maybe it won't be so bad.'

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