ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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The cushion was beginning to become lame under Mick, as he had sunken farther into the couch than he had been 5 house ago. Nor has Mick seen Erica since.

Other than a football game playing from the TV, all was quiet, 'til a notification set off his phone. It was from Corey.

C: Is everything alright there?

M: All's good.

C: How's Erica?

M: I don't know, haven't seen her since she let me in.

C: I'm calling, put my ass on speaker and open her door.

M: Sure thing.

And Mick peaked his hand through the door opening, phone ringing loudly from its speaker.

C: 'Erica! Erica, get your ass into the living room! I know you can walk now... ish'

Corey paused, then demanded Mick place the speaker up to her ear.

C: 'You're not in a damn wheelchair anymore, so get the fuck up!'

Erica shot up, still groggy from her nap.

"I'm up, I'm up!" She slurred, and called out to her brother while frantically trying to get out of bed.

Mick switched on the lamp of her bedside table, whilst Corey shouted over the phone.

The panic subsided as Erica got a flashing light face-ful of Mick.

For nearly 2 hours Erica had been lost in sleep, trying to keep her mind off of the pain, not only from her knee, but the feelings tangling within her chest.

"What the hell- get out!" Erica growled.

C: 'Take your medication, and go hang out in the living room with Mick. I'll bring you back some cake.'

Corey hung up, and Mick put his phone away. In the back of Mick's mind he kinda enjoyed that he could watch TV in peace and so did Erica. They both were pissed over the same reason: Wanting to be alone.

Helping herself to the kitchen, She did as told before moving to the living room with crutches to help instead of Mick.

"Hey," She asked, "What the hell happened that night after the bar?"

'You got drunk, like everyone else. Except for Craig.'

Erica tried to think of it more, saying: "I only remember vaguely kissing someone and then feeling pain in my knee."

'You made out with the guy from the table next to us. He was married. You also kissed Sid.'

Erica's face flushed red, with nerves laugh, saying: "Shit, now I'm the cause of a divorce."

Mick chuckled, "Nah," He reassured, "His wife was super cool, she understood what was going on."

'Did I really kiss Sid?'

"Yup," Mick nodded, "and Corey beat him up."

"Eww." Was all Erica could reply.

'Why do you say that?'

"Not to be mean, but it's Sid." She went on to make the same face she pulled.

Mick was confused, genuinely. 'Aren't you into him though?'

Erica gave him a flabbergasted look, "The fuck? When was that established?!"

Now Mick was really curious, despite the stoic expression he reverted back to. He wasn't sure if he should feel lucky or not.

"Come on," Mick got loud, "Of course you were! All over him and drunk-- practically suckin' him at the table."

Erica huffed "Ok, fine, he has some charm—" Mick laughed, with Erica adding on, "But that doesn't mean he's my type."

Rolling her eyes, Erica turned back to the TV.

'What is your type?'

Erica's gaze shot back to Mick, both vaguely surprised. It didn't strike Mick 'til then of what he had asked, but he stood by it with a stoical face.

"Um," At first Erica couldn't find the words. She felt guilty all of a sudden, guilty of something she couldn't control.

'Is it Craig?'

"No- no it's not him," And Erica gave in, "It's actually Jim."

A silence fell the room. Embarrassing awkwardness or the release of her truth, Erica didn't know what it was. The quietness between them festered over to her and got under her skin.

'You didn't tell me how I hurt my knee.'

"Oh," Mick broke the after-pause, "It was actually Jim." Saying it like he were cooler than ice, "me, and him was one of three who tried to separate you from Sid."

Erica laughed deep from the belly, "Wow, and here I can't go to the wedding!" She said after a snort.

Mick relaxed more, chuckling in the process.

'I didn't even wanna go in the first place.'

"Huh?" Mick was utterly confused now. Months before the wedding took place, he had overheard Erica brag to her friend about going.

Erica then corrected herself, "Well, i didn't want to at first. But it grew on me up until this point. Now I really can't go." Her hand massaged her knee, as she sighed off into space.

Mick waver her off, "Don't blame you," Getting up to get a drink, "I'd only go if it were my own."

'You really don't like going anywhere do you?'

Mick paused, "That's not entirely true. I just like peace and quiet more."

Erica worried slightly, was all this getting on his nerves? An hour had passed with all this banter going on, and Mick's attention was barely on the game.

Is this just tolerance, or does he genuinely like being near me this much to allow it?

Mick returned to the couch, sinking back into his seat without a care on his face.

Maybe he's just that good at hiding it.

After a while of sitting in silence, Erica had migrated back to her room. With her shower out of the way, Erica began to think.

How far can I push it?

She gave a devilish grin and a snickered.

'Whatcha smilin' about?'

Erica jumped, looking at her door to see Corey's head peaking through the doorway, "Cake's in the fridge by the way." He added.

When did he get here!?

She dismissed her brother, "Nothing." And made that devilish grin again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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