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Knock 'em dead, turning heads, I got all the eyes on me

𝐊 • 𝐉

"You are so paying for that" I growl at the daemon in front of me as I drop my now-ripped jacket on the ground. He licks his lips and pulls off his necklace. How did I miss that?

A stronger aura hits my in the gut, almost knocking me out. This wouldn't be easy. At all. It slowly forms into a human body of a boy in his twenties, I'm not sure why. A daemon that strong—

"We can go shopping later, Jen!" Rosé hisses at me as she dodges the Daemon's extended arms as they tried to grab her. It lunges towards her and shealths his claws. They don't scare her, a grin on her face. The face she makes when she's ready to send her opponent to hell.

She pulls out her bow and arrow, ready to fire the last shot. She lights up a small flame on the shaft which makes it way to the head. She had always been good at archery, maybe because she got chosen in a young age.

She fires it at it, catching it off guard. Surprisingly, It doesn't hit it in heart or head, she didn't shoot to kill. Killing it would ruin the purpose of this suprise visit to a lesser daemon; sending a message to Hell.

"You will pay for this," a glance towards me and he adds, "Park Chaeyoung." the daemon disperses into shadows leaving no trace behind. All colour had rained her face as I finally look at Rosé.

"How did—how did he know may name?" Panic spreads across her face. I reach out and grab her by the shoulder. So that was why the daemon didn't attack with it's full potential; it had a far stronger weapon all along. A daemon that stronger wouldn't give up that easily.

"I have to go after him—" she reaches for something in her pocket but I stop her. "No, not today." I say sternly. My hand slowly slips off her shoulder. Trusting her, I search for my jacket in the dark alley. It lies behind a trash can, shredded into pieces. I carefully grab, not wanting to touch areas the daemon's claws met with. Rosé is already beside me in a flash, no doubt planning ways to get that daemon back for information.

She casts a charm on the torn jacket, silver things—whatever they were called— circle my jacket. "All clear," she informs me ,  handing it back.

"I need to go feed. See you at the party?" I say, not wanting to stay in the dirty alley any longer. A little frown appeared on her beautiful face.

"Fine...I have to meet up with another victim of the case from on a week ago and go through Dazed, I think they copied a few chunks of our article on a K-pop group's interview—and get you another jacket—" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You deserve a gold medal for not getting fired from that fashion site, its been quite some time." she nudges me in the ribs, that doesn't stop me from laughing at her.

But I'm not finished yet, "you also deserve a break from...everything. Sixty-four, was it?" a smile makes it way to her lips and she nods. For a few minutes, we just stand there in comforting silence.

"Something's wrong, what is it?" I look at her in the eye, she holds my gaze for a few moments then looks away.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, Jen." she presses a kiss on me left check and runs off to the Faeries know where.

With a tight chest, I reply, "whatever you say—stop being the Council's lapdog!" not sure if she even heard it.

Maybe I should have pushed her a little more for the truth. It would come out sooner or later.

But Rosé had never been a talker, never opened up to any of us. Always putting up that mask of fake smiles, pretending her life was rainbows and candies.

Taking a deep breath, I put my hands my pocket and take the long way home.

Jane would be starving by now.

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