5 - Suspicious

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a6d POV


I step away from the bulletin board I set up in my recording studio. Red lines point all around pictures and notes scattered around. I comprehend the evidence I have so far in my head.

"Alright. April 20th is when Skeppy informed me of Bad's disappearance. He said he has been missing for a week, and found out something had to be wrong when he wouldn't pick up all week. Later I arranged a missing person poster to be set up around town and many of them were set up in the evening. Yesterday, April 21st I held a Search Party and found out some evidence on security camera footage. The footage was filmed at the Munchy Diner. A waiter said Bad would often eat there by himself every two weeks. But Bad was possibly last seen with Skeppy on April 13th, 8:37 PM, and exited the parking lot with no suspicious acts at 9:52 PM. But what happened after that? Did Skep do something? Why didn't he contact me sooner?"

I hear my phone ding from the table. I get out of thought from the sound and walk over to see a message. Skeppy texted me.

Skepep: Hey lets talk on TS

I get on my computer after I saw his message. He calls me on TS and I accept. Maybe I should ask him a few questions, just to get a piece of evidence from him.

"Heeeey. Hi hello..." Skeppy said in a monotone voice.

"Hey, Skeppy. Is everything doing ok with you?" I ask.

"Well, not really. My day's been pretty shitty because of Bad. I'm really worried about him. I hope he's ok..." 

"Yeah, I understand how that feels. I'm doing everything I can to help you. I promise I'll find Bad as soon as I can."

"Oh. Thanks..." Skeppy sighs.

"Also, Skeppy. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?"

I hear him gasp. Is he nervous or shocked? I hear him gulp after and start getting shaky breaths.

"O-oh uh... yeah, that's fine. Whatever will help you with this I-I'll do it." Skeppy said stuttering.

More stuttering. I feel like something isn't right here. I open an audio recorder software and press record incase Skeppy says something.

"Thanks. Ok, question one. When was the last time you interacted with Bad personally? Face to face kind of stuff."

"I-I think it was about a week ago. We went to a restaurant. It's called the Munchy Diner and I'm pretty sure it's one of Bad's favorite, but I don't come there often."

"Okay... Okay, next question. What did you do the past 24hrs on April 13th?"

"U-uh...Well, I woke up, and started to edit a video Bad and I did together, then at around 7:00 PM Bad invited me to eat with him at the Munchy Diner and I accepted. We arrived around 8:30 and left at 10:30. We got home at 11:00 PM.

10:30? The footage I saw clearly shows they left at 9:52. I take a brief note about it. I shouldn't question it to Skep just incase he realizes his mistake. I hear his breaths get loud and short.

"Skep, are you ok? You've been acting strange when I told you to answers these-"

"Oh! Y-yes, I'm fine. I might be getting sick t-though. Wait, hold on a6-"

I hear him run out of his chair and hear violent coughing in the distance. Is he actually that sick? After a minute I hear him sit in his chair and adjust his mic.

Clueless | Detective a6d AUWhere stories live. Discover now