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Over the last few days it seems that everyone is avoiding me, and I have no idea why

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Over the last few days it seems that everyone is avoiding me, and I have no idea why. Apparently Viki was "missing" but she came back and she was acting very weird. But today is Halloween and I'm going to the high school tonight for the celebration. This year I'm going as a dark angel cause why not?

I go over and see Caroline and Bonnie, "Hey Astrid!" Care says as I walk up to them, "Love your costume!" Bonnie said as Tyler walked us.

"Cider for the ladies. It's a Lockwood special" Tyler says holding three cups. "No way. Last year I was hung over until Thanksgiving." Bonnie says as I take a cup from a very reluctant Tyler.

"Lightweight. I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with." Caroline said, taking her cup from Tyler. "Bye losers," I say walking away from them with my punch.

I continued to walk around for a bit when I saw Elena walk towards the back exit, so I decided to follow her.

"Viki no!" Elena yells to Viki as I see blood trickle from her mouth. I creep out the entrance myself and see Elena charge at Viki with a wooden plank. Viki then throws Elen back with her vampire strength.

"Elena!" I yell as she hits the garbage pile. Stefan comes in out of nowhere and holds Viki against the bus. But as soon as Stefan gets hold of Viki she disappears.

"Go. get inside. Go!" Stefan yells at us as we run towards the door, we make it to the door when I am suddenly pulled by something or should I say someone.

Before I know what's happening Viki sinks her teeth into my neck. I scream in pain as she starts to suck the blood from me. She doesn't get far before she is stabbed through the heart with a piece of wood.

But before I could ask any questions I start to feel dizzy before I faint and fall into a pair of strong arms.


I wake up to someone gently tapping me, I open my eyes to see a pair of crystal blue eyes filled with concern. Then I remember what happened, and I instantly move away from Damon.

"Hey, hey, it's ok you're safe now" he says trying to comfort me, I move my hand to my neck where I was bitten to feel my wound healed. "H-how is-" I'm cut off by him hugging me, and I get a feeling of familiarity rushing over me.

He then looked over at my board and my eyes widened. "Seems like you have had your own little investigation going on" he says while going over to grab the board. "You won't be needing this anymore" he takes the cloth and erases everything on it. He then walks back to me and looks me in the eyes.

"You will forget everything you saw tonight, you will forget about any dreams you may have had about vampires, you will think that vampires are a simple matter of fiction and nothing more." he stopped and in a blink of the eyes he was gone.



I'm in a small cafe that seems to be from the 50s and to say it was a horrific scene that was laid out would be a lie. There's someone there slurping down blood from a person's neck and they turn around and I am faced with myself.

"Hello, Astrid" the girl that looks identical to me says as she drops the dead body onto the tile. "Why the long face, love?" she says in a sarcastic way as she walks over to me.

"Don't be afraid, this is who you are after all" she says gesturing towards herself. "You see we are the same, same person, same desires, everything" she says as she creeps close like a lion approaching its prey.

"I'm nothing like you," I tell her, attempting to push her away. She comes to me and puts her hands to my temples and we are suddenly in a dark room with a mirror. But the thing is she is my reflection looking back at me.

"All will be revealed in time Astrid," she says looking me in the eye, "But you will forget about you having these dreams, but you will know that deep down inside that I will always be there" She says before pushing against the mirror and all goes to black.


Sry for this being so short I just really want to get to the fun stuff quicker so there is  going to be a time jump to season 2. Hope you are enjoying this story! 

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