2: You overhear him talk about you

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Ash was known to be shirtless all the time. He had every right to be as he was so fit, was always hitting the gym, and his overall physical appearance was very important to him. On one particular lazy day filled with lounging around, watching movies and eating tons of junk food, Ash excused himself on what was our third movie of the day. It has been about ten minutes of the movie that he missed so you made it your mission to find out where he was and he has been up to. As soon as you got up the stairs standing right before your shared bedroom, you overhear Ash on the phone and it wasn’t a pleasant conversation. Whoever Ashton was talking to seem to be his target. You tried your best to be as quiet as you can and try to eavesdrop on the conversation. You figured out that the person on the receiving end was Luke. “I don’t know man, Y/N has done nothing all day but sit her ass on the couch and eat junk food. I noticed she has put on some weight, and she’s been eating as if she has not eaten at all. My body is always in pain from her cuddling into me, she’s literally crushing me, she’s so heavy!”Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. You made your way back into the living room and continued to watch your movie and act as if nothing had happened. However you couldn’t really focus on the movie anymore, the only thing you had in your mind was that Ash basically called you fat and he wished you changed your eating habits. If that was what it took to make him happy, then you were going to do just that…


You and Luke have been dating for quite some time now and you couldn’t have been anymore happier. Everyone doubted your relationship and thought you were never going to last. You were so happy being with him and you thought the feelings were mutual; sadly you were wrong. Very wrong. After what seemed to be a particularly great day took a dramatic turn for the worse. Once off of your shift from work, you wanted to make a nice meal for you and Luke. After making dinner, you made your way into Luke’s studio where he was. Before knocking on the door and making your presence known, you overheard Luke on the phone with Calum. “Man, Cal, I honestly can’t do this anymore. I’m not happy in this relationship. Don’t get me wrong Y/N is a great girl, I just can’t seem to get over Aleisha. Y/N can’t take her place. How do I tell her without breaking her heart so much?” Your breath hitched and your heart stopped. You didn’t want to stay to hear what Calum was going to say. If he was so unhappy with your relationship why didn’t he just tell you instead of dragging it out and waste both of your time? Why did it take him so long to express his true feelings for you after you developed deeper feelings and falling in love with him who clearly didn’t feel the same way?


For your second anniversary with Calum you spent all your savings on a brand new Bass that he has been wanting for quite some time now. Not only did you get home the new bass, but you also got it signed by all of the members of All Time Low. You couldn’t handle all of the excitement that you were constantly texting Cal to see how long it would be for him to come home. Since he hasn’t replied to any of your texts, you decided to give him a call. On the fifth ring, he finally picked up. His voice sounded irritated as he picked up. ” hello?” “hey Cal, how long will you be at the studio today?” “I don’t know, we haven’t gotten much done, and we really want to get at least one song finished.” “Well okay, just let me know when you leave okay?” “…okay” you thought he hung up but you started to hear his voice again. So you thought he was still talking to you but after listening you heard that he was talking about you to the boys. “Ugh, she so clingy! Like give me some space to breathe! Is she my mother to constantly be checking up on me? I wish she wasn’t so uptight!” Tears started falling nonstop if he wanted to to be less caring and less uptight then that was what he was going to get.


You were cleaning yours and Michael’s shared apartment because not only was it a mess from last night’s get together with the boys but also because you were having dinner with Michael’s parents tonight. As you were cleaning you were jamming out to your pandora; You blasted your music so loudly, and you were singing so loud and obnoxiously that you didn’t notice Michael was already home. Once your song was over, and there was the slight pause between songs, was when you had noticed his presence. He was in the living room with Ashton; Ash dropped Mike home and wanted to stop by and say his hellos to you. “Mate, does she always act like this, All crazy and loud? I’m glad she hasn’t sang right in front of us, she’s terrible!” Said Ashton. Michael sighs and says “yes, she’s like this all the time, she sounds really bad, she’s worse than Abigail!” You were hurt and beyond embarrassed, you were going to change, dinner tonight was going to definitely be a long one…


stolen from tumblr again! :)) 

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