3:Celebrity Crush. (Celebrity Series)

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You just finished a photo shoot for a modeling agency. Being a supermodel is tough especially because your only eighteen, but you love it. Finally, you got dressed into jeans and a hoodie. Even if you are a model you still like to dress casually while going out. Heck, you even like to watch anime. That’s one thing that people don’t know about you. Since you have the rest of the day off to do whatever you decided to go to get some coffee. When you got the coffee shop, you put on your snapback and sunglasses hoping none would recognize you. None has ever recognized you when you put your snapback and glasses on. You hope that it continues to work that way. Finally, you walked into the coffee shop to see that it was packed. The line went by fast to your surprise.

"What would you like sir?" The barista said, and it pissed you off. Obviously she could see your shoulder length hair. 

"An Iced Mocha please." You said, looking at her. "By the way I am a girl." Then the barista laughed.

"Oh, I know. Your just dressed up like a dude." She said, which pissed you off. The way people treat you when your dressed differently amazes you. When they recognize you they give you so much respect, but when you are dressed in casual clothing it seems as if you don’t exist. You rolled your eyes.

"So what’s the damage?" You asked.

"$4.50." She said snickering. You honestly wanted to hurt the bitch. Soon she gave you your Iced Mocha. "Here you go sir." She said again, snickering.

"Thank you… bitch." You said, smiling at her and she looked angry. "What’s wrong? Cat’s got your tongue?" You asked. Then she walked away. She can’t even take what she dishes out and you shook your head. Then you turned around to walk up, but you bumped into someone spilling your coffee on them.

"I’m so sorry!" You said and you looked up to see it was Calum Hood from 5 Seconds Of Summer. You loved them, and to say you had a little crush on Calum was an understatement.

"It’s alrig-" Calum began to say, but he stared at you. His face lit up, and you knew then he recognized you. "Your Y/N Y/L/N!!" Calum said, which everyone in the coffee shop heard.

"OMG IT’S CALUM HOOD AND Y/N Y/L/N." Someone yelled and you just looked Calum.

"Run." You said and then Calum nodded his head and you both ran out the coffee shop. You ran to your car and allowed him to get into your car. They couldn’t find either one of you in your car. You then game him your other hoodie.

"Sorry, for spilling my coffee on you." You said.

"It’s okay and sorry for exposing your identity." Calum said, laughing and then you took off your snapback and glasses.

"How did you know it was me though?" You asked, laughing a little.

"Well, I know your facial structure, it’s not like I stare at your face all the time, but you know your very beautiful." Calum said, nervously, blushing. 

"Thanks Calum." You said, looking down blushing. "You know I am a huge fan of 5 Seconds Of Summer and especially you." You said, which caused Calum to blush even more.

"Thank you very much." Calum said, and in your car you and Calum became really good friends…


"Cut." You heard your director said. "Y/N, that was amazing. I can tell right now that this movie is going to be an Academy Award winner." The director of the current movie your working on. You filmed the last scene of the movie and it was perfect, or at least the director thought. 

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