11 :You're A Photographer ☼Michael Clifford

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As much as Michael loved his career in music, you also had a career that you were proud of. You had a passion for photography, and you were quite good at it. Most of the time you'd focus on landscapes and nature, but then you'd love to annoy Michael with your camera. 

"C'mon babe, please" you smiled with your camera, aiming it at his face. 

"Nooo" he groaned. 

"I need new shots!" you pleaded. You crawled up on the bed towards him, kneeling in front of where he was sitting. 

"Please?" you pouted. After getting no response you just took a picture of him anyway. 

"Stop!" he flinched away, covering his face. 

"Michael!!!" you yelled, annoyed that he wasn't cooperating with you. After he proceeded to keep laying underneath you and not let you take his picture you snapped one more and then laid on top of him. 

"I love you" you smiled, kissing his cheek. 

"You're only sucking up to me so I'll let you take my picture" he smiled back. 

"Just let me do one photo shoot with you! You're hot, people like it" you giggled. 

"Oh, I already know that. People would pay thousands to see this face" he smirked, posing slightly. 

"You're a loser. Get dressed and we can go take pictures!" you kissed his lips before rolling off the bed and grabbing everything you needed. 

"You're lucky I love you" he grumbled as he got out of bed for the day.


Sorry It's a little short! credits to the owner of this imagine :) 

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