8 : You're Hurt & He Panics ☼ Luke Hemmings

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It was one of those play fight moments. A pillow fight wasn't necessary but it had you and Luke in a fit of laughter. You both are running away from each other with pillows in your hands. You knew you couldn't out run Luke. So it was bound to happen when he caught up to you. But his attempt at capturing you made you to trip.

You gasp and your eyes closed when you fell to the ground. Luke groaned as well and he had fallen next to you. After a few seconds of realisation you two began laughing hysterically.

"Okay you can get up now babe." Luke said when he stood in front of you.

You went to get up but hissed. "I can't."

"What do you mean?"

You moved the pillow that was over your leg and noticed slight shades of red. "Shit." You went to touch the wound. As you were checking out how bad and messy the cut was, Luke just gasped and pointed at it. "Yes Luke, it is a cut." He just stared. "Could you get me anything like a tissue maybe? Water? I don't know, just anything to help."

If you weren't in a little pain you would've laughed at his expression. He just mumbles something that you can't hear but doesn't move.


"That doesn't look like just a simple cut! It keeps bleeding and-"

"It would stop bleeding if you went and got me something." You muttered.

Luke started to freak out slightly, grabbing the attention of the other boys. "Why the fuck is Luke screaming like a little girl?" Cal walked in.

Their eyes followed your gaze to your leg. "Holy shit," Mikey gasped, "What happened?"

"I don't really know. Luke and I were just messing around and then I might've tripped on the table and got it cut from there." You tried to stay calm even though your leg hurt like hell.

"What the hell do I do guys?" Luke said which caused almost everyone in the room to roll their eyes.

Within a few seconds Ash and Cal had gotten you some things to tend to the wound while Mikey got you sat up nicely. Luke went to go help but was pushed back by the other three helping you out.

By the time your cut is bandaged up and you can walk a little, Luke is still slightly panicked.

"Thanks for the help." You smiled to the boys who just replied with a 'no worries'. You turned to you very unhelpful boyfriend. "Thanks... Luke..."

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