the emotion

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For a second they just stared at each other,a million emotions running between them creating tension.Then he took one step that turned into two then three and so many more as he went to her.She looked absolutely stunning and he didn't know how he could have been foolish enough not to see it.When he was close enough he took her face in his hands and put their foreheads together.Her skin was soft to the touch and she smelled like lavender,he wanted her closer,pressed into his body but he didn't want to scare her away.He pulled away to look into her chocolate colored eyes and then down to her lips that were glossy with lipstick as red as strawberries.She looked at him and that look always melted him a little on the inside.It was a kind stare that held innocence and care,he didn't deserve to see it but it was always directed towards him.He couldn't help himself and slowly lent forward to kiss her soft lips that he'd been thinking about since they had their first kiss.He stopped just before they met to open his eyes and see that she had closed hers,she held her breath as if anticipating the kiss.He hovered a second longer before continuing and he felt her gasp slightly at the contact.Her lips were addicting,he could not stop but she made no attempt to stop him either,had she thought about this as much as he had?Sleepless nights thinking of her hands running through his hair and just basking in her presence,waiting for her to ruin his life with just one look or word.He soon came to realize that he would do anything for her on one of those sleepless nights and he couldn't stop thinking about it the entire day.He knew he was mean before when he would bully her because of her appearance,it killed him inside to think about how he tried to bring down such a sweet and utterly beautiful creature.He didn't deserve her yet here she was,standing in front of him in all her glory and a goddess he would let walk all over him.The kiss ended and when they pulled away she brought her own hands up to frame his face.She smiled up at him and lent forward on her tippy toes to peck his lips,he chuckled before taking her hands so he could lead her onto the gazebo where they could sit and talk.At the end of the night he took her home,they held hands the entire time and he opened the door for her to get out.He walked her to her door and he kissed her cheek whispering a promise of seeing each other the next day.

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