the ritual

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    “Let us begin,” his smirk was mirrored by six other individuals dressed in black that surrounded him.One of them to his left pulled out dagger that had beautiful flowers engraved on the handle.His dark eyes that were painted prettily with red eyeshadow followed the mans movements.When the man stabbed his side he held the man close as he threw his head back to cackle eerily.His vision went red and he pushed the man away to stand in the center of the people around him.They began to circle him and they watched as the blood seeped through the white silk of his dress shirt.He began to sway to imaginary music,a tune he could hear in his head similar to a music box.He was laughing like a maniac,a lunatic with his hands in his messy hair and drunk on the smell of blood.His companions watched as he fell to his knees and began to chant something in another language.He continued to cackle as he pulled at his hair and they saw bunches of it fall to the ground,tears ran down his cheeks like rivers.All of a sudden it all stopped,the white room was enveloped with a red mist and he sat quietly with a serious expression.They watched as he snapped his fingers and a mirror appeared in front of him. “My faithful followers,” he turned to them and they all took a step back shocked.There were black veins running up and down his body,his eyes were an abyss that seemed to swallow them.He chuckled and it was deeper and it sounded similar to a growl, “it is complete.” They all silently looked at each other before lining up in front of him and bowing.This was their king,the one that would rule their world and make it a place suitable for their order.They could not see it but behind him in the mirror the frightened soul of a man pounded on the reflective glass with tears running down his cheeks like rivers.

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