Chapter 10: Trouble in Paradise

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Mike is perplexed by Sophie's question. Mike feels concern whether Sophie heard him last night speaking to the voices or not. Now, she may be onto him. Mike decides to tell Sophie. Sophie acts surprised, like it's the first time she heard it. "Should I tell Doctor Henderson?" Mike said. Sophie without thinking responses, "Of course, we must get to the down of this! Let's go inside. It's show time." Before stepping inside the doctor's office, Mike steps back and recalls his bad experience from last night; he wants some closure or information about his condition.

As Mike and Sophie walk inside the doctor's office, the secretary, Ashley gazes them down from head to toe and gives them a grimy look with a sour expression. Mike recognizes that look, TV he recalls! What the TV taught him; it means trouble in paradise. It's the same secretary who gave them issues the last doctors visit. Sophie screams, "Where is Dr. Henderson? My son needs to see him as soon as possible, it's essential." Ashley has that bitter look on her face and says with attitude, "Do you have an appointment schedule today?" Sophie says, "You know we don't have an appointment, why you are asking?" Sophie continues to say, "I have no time to argue. My son needs to see the doctor not, it's very important!"

It seems as if Ashley is going to give them a hard time. The Ashley replies, "No appointment, no seeing the doctor." Sophie quickly grabs Mike's hand and they both try to pass through Ashley. They want to gain access to the doctor but Ashley notices what's happening. Ashley with her thin body quickly blocks them. Ashley says, "Stop now!" Sophie has enough of this crap. Sophie punch's Ashley in the face. The impact of the punch had Ashley land headfirst onto a sharp table corner, leaving her blooding from her forehead and unconscious. Mike didn't know that Sophie is so strong. She doesn't look tough. Tori, the office worker tells them that she's calling the police. As they wait for the police to arrive, Sophie yells, "Now Ashley has the next appointment." The injured secretary is left unconscious on the cold floor. Tori holds Sophie and Mike tightly while they wait for the police and EMS to arrive.

Mike never been to jail before but as a result of Sophie actions; it might get him in trouble with the law. The cops take physical altercation very seriously and may place them under arrest. Mike always stayed out of trouble with the authorities. As teens, Mike often seen Mac having issues with the police. Mac wasn't the best teen. Mike heard from Mac what jail real is like. Mac was once caught for shoplifting. Mac grow up in poverty. Mac's parents didn't even have money to pay rent let alone to give him money for toys or money to hanging out with friends. Mac loved candy but he had no money, so he stole it.

As time passed by, Mac shared with Mike his experience in jail. If one thing Mike should remember Mac said about jail, it's this: "Don't drop the soap man!" Mac describes jail as a smallest room he's ever been in with as many people they can put together. It gets even worst. There is one bathroom for everyone to share. Mac likes to use the bathroom alone, but in jail he goes to the bathroom in front of a bunch of random people. Mac mentions that the people who stay there with him in the jail cell are the craziest people he's ever met. He said one person tried to stab him. How, one might ask?

The police often check the suspects before placing the suspect in the jail and remove everything from the person, however. This prisoner put a knife deep up his rectum. Having said that, Mac doesn't want continue how filthy the place is. Like him, he was stuck there over the weekend because no judge was available until Monday morning. With all this in mind, Mike doesn't like the sounds of it, especially with his sleeping problem.

With all this commotion going on, where is Doctor Henderson? One would think whoever is back in the exam room would run in the front of the office to see what's going on. With that being said, someone knocks on front door of the doctor offices door and says, "Police, open the door or we are going to break it down." In that moment with the authorities at the door both Sophie and Mike fears for the worst yet to come. 

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