Chapter 12: Where's Mike and Sophie?

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After hours of waiting, there is no word from either Mike or Sophie. Lori knows that Mike and Sophie went to visit Dr. Henderson. Lori decides to look in Sophie's room, but nobody is there. She then opens Mike's room to have a look and, it's empty. It's almost noontime and Lori hasn't received a call or a text. Lori calls Sophie but it's straight to her voicemail. Lori then calls Mike, since he's always on his phone. His phone goes straight to voicemail as well. Lori senses something fishy going on over here.

Lori remembers the last time they visit Doctor Henderson; they were already back by then. Lori tries to recall what Mike and Sophie we're speaking about as her mind was texting friends left and right, non-stop. She recalls that they mentioned something about Xen. Lori doesn't want to be noisy but wants to know the situation. Lori goes to Mike's room and investigates. Lori doesn't like to be in Mike's room. If Mike finds out, he will not be too happy. Before entering his room, she glances around one more time just in case Mike is hiding or somewhere in the house. She enters his room and begins to look for any clues. Behold Lori comes across a medication bottle on the nightstand.

At last, Lori has found something. She knows Mike theory about medication so why is it on his nightstand? She picks it up and begins to read the label. She finds the name of the medication, Xen. She pulls out her phone and checks what the Xen is used for. She discovers that it's used for helping one to sleep. She also sees that in contains radiation. She now wonders to herself why a sleeping medication contains radiation. She ignores the radiation that's in the medication. She also begins to think why Sophie didn't tell her a word about this. Lori doesn't know whether Mike took the medication as she observed him speaking to voices during the night or could it be a side effect? This left Lori clueless.

It's sunset, Lori still hasn't heard a single word about Mike or Sophie. Jack will be home soon and become concern about Mike and Sophie. Lori has been house most of the day and no one has entered the house ever since. She knows the house is completely empty. Lori doesn't know what to tell Jack. Lori hears someone at the front door, looking for the keys to enter the house. She quickly runs to check who it may be, hoping it's Mike and Sophie. Jack opens the door and is surprised. Jack looks around the house and see that Lori is only home. He knows that Mike and Sophie are house as well during this time. He begins to look around and no one is there besides Lori. Jack starts to become anxious.

He becomes to think something bad happened to them. He asks Lori, "Do you know what's happened with Mike and Sophie?" Lori plans not to mention anything about Xen. Lori relies, "I don't know. I've been trying to reach them all day and no answer." Jack is left speechless and doesn't rely to Lori. Jack runs out of the house and looks around for them. He runs down the block, no sight of them. He then runs up the same block and still no sight of them. He quickly comes back to the house and dials 911.

Nevertheless, Jack doesn't like to call the police, because he doesn't like the attention from all his neighbors on him. Jack knows that his neighborhood is very nosy and will video when the cops arrive at his place. Jack fears that he will not see his wife again and doesn't care anymore about his neighbors. Jack calls 911 and 911 operator picks up and says, "what's the emer...?" Jack stops the 911 operator from speaking and says, "My wife and son are missing. They left the house this morning and didn't come home ever since." The operator begins to take more information from him. The operator continues, "I will send an officer to your location." Soon hereafter, there is a knock on the door. Jack opens the door and behold, it's officer Johnson.

Officer Johnson is welcome inside and looks around. He sees a photo of the family on the wall. He notices something familiar. There he spots within the family photo are Sophie and Mike. He doesn't say a word to Jack about knowing them. He also doesn't tell them what happened earlier regarding Mike and Sophie. He asks Jack for all the information since they were missing. Officer Johnson pretends to write it down and says he will be in touch. Officer Johnson later ask one of his colleagues to call Jack and tell them where Mike and Sophie are. Later that day, Jack receives a call from the station, saying that Mike and Sophie are locked up. Before Jack can ask why they are locked up, the officer hangs up. Jack yells outside of his house, "Where is Mike and Sophie? I hope they are okay!" 

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