a quirkless boy gets a chance to be a hero

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"Stop it kacchan you're hurting her"

The boy gets into a fighting stance

"If you don't stop I'll I'LL STOP YOU MYSELF"

Bakugo:oh please deku how can a quirkless nobody like you ever stop me.

Deku:it dosen't matter if I'm quirkless. I'll save people no matter what!

He is very serious and is very angry

Deku:she did nothing wrong but you still attacked her. You aren't a hero more of a villain.

Katsumi gets pissed at this statement and charges deku

Deku:"you can't do anything to me anymore".

As he closes his eyes and braces for impact

But he doesn't get hit

He opens his eyes to see a purple arm infront of him

Deku:what the?

The hand is covering him from the explosion then katsumi goes in for a punch but is knocked back by the arm back handing her

Then the figure shows itself

Then the figure shows itself

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Ignore jotaro

The gang that was with katsumi run away as she runs toward deku but is knocked out by a punch from star platinum

Deku turns around to help the girl up

Deku:are you okay?

?:yes I'm fine.


?:I'm over here!

The older boy runs over and deku sees the scars over the boys lower jaw,neck,under his eyes,arms and ears

The boy grabs the girl and pulls her in for a hug

?:I was so worried. Don't run off like that ever again.

Todoroki:I know and I'm sorry.

The boy notices that deku is clutching his arm

?:you okay kid?

Deku:will be. Anyways later.

Then the siblings hear a shout




He tries to run with his sister but is stopped by deku

Deku:follow me.

The siblings follow deku until they reach a park with very big trees


Star platinum appears and tosses both the siblings into the tree

Deku walks to the toys to not give them away

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