hosu incident

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During the week that everyone is with their internship they got hand to hand combat training or in the case of bakugo a terrible hair style

With deku

He and mirko have just got done with training for the day

Then deku senses something is off

Deku:oh God.


Deku:my friend interned with Manuel. His agency is in hosu.


Deku:his name is tenya Iida. Little brother of ingenioum.

Mirko:wait isn't he in a coma?


Mirko:let's go!

The two rush out of the agency

With Iida

Him and Manuel are about to get off patrol when they see a creature and fire surrounding it alongside other heroes

Him and Manuel are about to get off patrol when they see a creature and fire surrounding it alongside other heroes

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Iida💭:that means the league is nearby. And that also means. STAIN!

He runs off as manuel goes to help

With shoya

She is sitting in a chair reading when touya enters and tells her they're leaving

Shoya:where are we going?

Touya:Hosu now LETS GO!

Shoya begrudgingly gets up and follows her brother

Back with deku and mirko

They're on a train and deku is silently cursing himself out

Deku:shit shit shit shit shit shit!

Mirko:kid calm down we'll get there in time.

Deku:I know but. He's a dumbass. He can't fight stain.

Then a nomu busts through the trains side

Then a nomu busts through the trains side

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