Hero names and internship offers

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It's a normal day in class some of them being crackheads

Dekusquad consists of Iida,uraraka,shoya and deku they are talking about normal things then shoya brings something up

Shoya:hey izu.


Shoya:remember yesterday when I was struck by the arrow?

Deku:yeah and I almost killed another guy.

Iida/uraraka:another one?

Deku:I'll explain later. But yeah why?

Shoya:well I've been feeling different ever since. Like my ice has been shooting out at complete random.

To prove it ice comes out of nowhere and incases Iida in ice

Deku:well I'll be a monkeys uncle.

She then melts the ice and Iida proceeds to shiver

Shoya:you saw no ice on my arm didn't you?


The four walk over to the group and deku begins to explain what happened the day prior

Kakyoin:so she's a stand user now?

Deku:fuckin looks like it.

Momo:geez how many more? So have you seen it in any physical form?

Deku:nope. Hey shoya I'll try to show you how to full use it.

Shoya:got it.

Aizawa then walks in well hobbles in while in his sleeping bag

Aizawa:today we will be doing one of the most important thing for young heroes.

1-a💭:ah crap.

Aizawa:making hero names.

1-a:thank god.

Aizawa:while I sleep Midnight will supervise.

Deku💭:ah shit.

Midnight then enters the room

Midnight:you heard the sleepy man.

Aizawa:I prefer insomnia man.

He then falls asleep and Midnight passes out boards and markers

Deku💭:well let's see I really only have a few options.

Deku then begins to almost bash his head into his board trying to think

Shoya whispers to him

Shoya:you okay?

Deku:yeah but I can't think of anything.

Shoya:how about?

She whispers the name

Deku:maybe. I'll keep my mind on it. Thanks.

Shoya:no problem.

Then the first of the students goes up

Yuga aoyama

Deku💭:this will be good.

He goes up and presents his name

Yuga:the sparkle hero: I can not stop  twinkling.

1-a💭:what the hell?



Deku:well guess I'm up.

He writes his hero name and goes up and presents his name

Deku:the stardust hero: Platinum wind(thanks ohheyimark).

The class begins to cheer

Then deku erases his name and put the board back

Then everyone begins to think of their hero names

After a few people go and tell their names Kakyoin goes up

Kakyoin:The emerald hero:tidal(thanks Hotspot11666).


Deku kinda chuckles


Deku:its just. Emerald splash and your hero name is tidal. I just thought it was funny.

Kakyoin shakes his head and walks back to his desk

Shoya💭:well he's being normal. I think he's over it.

Then shoya goes up and tells her name

Shoya:Frostburn(again thanks Hotspot11666).


Shoya cracks a smile and puts her board away

Then the final person is Giorno

Giorno:the nature hero:Golden life(again thanks Hotspot11666)


Now everyone is being told that they are now told about their internships

Deku has almost five thousand


Aizawa:yeah. Well you did put on quite a show. Also your "the world" has gotten out but to our knowledge its affects have not.


Giorno:do you not care if your ability gets out?

Deku:no cause how are you going to fight a guy who can stop time?

Giorno:good point.

Then aizawa passes out the internship forms so they know who would like to intern them and how many people asked for them

Deku is having a crisis because a lot of combat based heroes want to intern him

He then sees an offer from mirko

Deku:huh. Oh shoya who do you have?

Shoya:both my father and touya asked for me.

(Touya is a hero who goes by blue fox)

Deku:so you going for touya or who else.

Shoya:I think touya. I mean he can teach me a lot with my left half all I really do is shoot it out in a straight line.

Deku:I'm thinking mirko.

Shoya:oh yeah. She's really strong and can teach you a lot. Especially since you just like to punch.

Deku:yeah. Hey uraraka who are you going to intern with?


Deku:oh his martial arts is pretty good. After our internships lets see if any of you can kick my ass.


Deku:what about you Iida?

Iida dosen't response

Deku:Iida? Iiiida? IIDA!

Iida jumps

Iida:AHHHH oh sorry I blanked out.

Deku:that's not like yo-.

He then remembers what happened to the pro hero ingenium

Deku:oh right. Hey just be glad yayarozu was able to get there.

Iida:yeah but you know of his current situation.

Deku:year long coma. Hey just be glad he's alive a lot of heroes have died to stain.

Iida then checks his paper for the pro hero manual

Iida:well I'm glad that he's okay.

Then deku sees the time



Deku:sorry! Shoya lets go.

Deku and shoya run and turn in their intern forms

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