past still haunts

385 10 3

Deku is asleep and laying on shoya's lap and she is stroking his head

Shoya:he's so cute when he sleeps.

Then a man starts to sneak up on the couple until he reaches them

He then scares shoya and it

Shoya:touya what the heck?!

Touya:what can't I have a little bit of fun. I mean you are easy to scare.

Shoya:well. Just don't wake up izu.


He falls on his back

Touya:hey do you think izuku is going through something?


Touya:looks like survivors guilt. I noticed that about 3 months ago.

3 months ago

Touya is taking a nap on the couch in the midoriya apartment after he stayed that night

Then he's awoken by the sound of the door opening and he sees a coat going out of the door and leavening

He goes to investigate and when he gets out the door he sees a purple leg cover then man's leg and he flips up the rail and kicks up and up to the roof


Touya follows and gets to the roof to see izuku siting down near the edge of the other side



Deku:dammit. Why me?! I got it easy. Polnareff got his leg dame near cut off. Why wasn't I faster with T. Darby? Kakyoin almost died! The old man did die but thank God I was fast enough. Avdol,iggy. I'm sorry.

He starts to cry then he pulls out the group picture

Deku:dammit! Fuck.

He punches a container holding the main air vent

Deku:why me? Why did I survive? Avdol had more important things in his life to keep up. Iggy he was dragged into that mess. DAMMIT!

He punches the shell of the air vent denting it largely

Deku:*gasp then sighs* star platinum.

Star platinum phases through the vent then undents it

Deku:thanks star.

His voice just sounds defeated

And then he pulls out a box of cigarettes and was about to light it but he snaps it in half instead


He then gets up and hurdles the box across Mustafar

Deku then let's his tears fall

Deku:I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Touya:*izuku why haven't you told us about this*?

Back to the siblings

Shoya is trying to keep herself together while knowing that her lover is suffering and he doesn't speak about it

Shoya:why? Why do you keep this to yourself we're here for you you idiot?

Deku begins to wake up in that moment because of a feeling that sets off a fight or flight mode and he wakes up and gets up

Deku:what the hell was that?!

Touya:what was what?

Deku:get out of here.

Then at that second a arrow is shot and it hits shoya


Deku takes the arrow out of shoya's neck and heals her with restoration


Then a familiar sight for deku comes out from a tree



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Dan:yes. Just so you know lovers has already infected the girl.


Time stops

Deku quickly grabs his phone and uses hermit purple to project the interior if shoya's head and sees its about to plant a flesh bud


Star platinum gets small enough to where he can go into shoya's brain

Deku:I only have 30 seconds so I can't get lost!

He travels through shoya's ear and star platinum takes down a clone of lovers holds her hostage and yeeting it out then he makes it to shoya's brain and star platinum destroys the flesh bud in the arm of the second lover and holds it down

Deku:that's enough time in.

Time resumes and dan notices he can't move

Dan:oh shit!

Deku:oh shit is right.

Shoya feels something weird about her

Deku:you know I originally let you live but.

He starts to let his rage fill him


Dan begins to panic and tries to apologies

Deku:you know I killed dio. What on God's earth made you think you would be able to defeat me!?

He punches Dan 89 times in three seconds with his bare fists

Deku then gets star platinum and the lovers out of shoya's head and he crushes the legs of the lovers breaking Dan's legs


Deku:if someone's a bastard here. Its you.

He then uses time stop and has star platinum launch dan halfway across the country

Time resumes

Deku:sayonara fucker.

Next will be hero names and I need names for kakyoin,Giorno and shoya

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