Chapter One

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I lay awake in my bed, thinking all the more reasons to run away. I think about what good it will do me locked up in this tower like Rapunzel. I think what good it will do me living with him acting like I don’t even exist.

I want to see what it’s like. What he was, fighting off all those criminals? I want to know what he could have been, if it wasn’t for me snaking my way into his life; one lawsuit after another.

If I haven’t introduced you yet; I’m Abigail Stark. I prefer to go by Abi; and just usually loose the Stark. I live in hiding, or sometimes just under mass protection.

It’s like a jail cell. 

Sometimes; I have incidents. Particularly the reason I’m homeschooled, which means I’m thrown at books and forced to read them. More than eight public school and two private schools kicked me out. 

Dad wasn’t who he used to be. His friends said he used to be a total socialite and maybe even a bit funny. All I see in him now is excuse.

The sound of the twelve o clock bell rang, locking in the security shocks tighter. Tip toeing, I slid my long boney hand until the door. Nothing. Sliding down further; I hit the switch to the left of my door frame. Hoping Jarvis wouldn’t react- I typed in the pass code I memorized months ago. A slim grin peered over my face.

The locks on my door to the hallway deactivated- allowing me to slip out inch by inch towards the hallway. If I didn’t escape alot, good ole dad might let me out more often. Unfortunatley, I always was caught. But i'm willing to take the chance. I was almost out, cheering silently in my head- then the worst thing happen. The security wire buzzed, shocking my foot which was angled slighting towards the wire. My eyes buzzed then I dropped down onto the hard wood.

“Awh shiet.”

Jarvis woke up, his sirens waking my unit. Stuck dead center in the hallway- I looked like a dead cricked. Iron head is really gonna be mad now.

That was last night.

Today, I was trapped in my dad’s office ever more awaiting the nearly predictable horrors of ‘what comes next’. Walking in, wearing a baby blue button up shirt, cargo pants, and his nerdy rimmed glasses dad looked at me then sighed.

“Abigail I told you that you can’t do this. It’s endangering you every time you try to.”

I crossed my arms, pressing my feet onto his mahogany desk.

“Its fine, dad.  I needed some ‘new space’.”

“Abi I you have everything you need in your corridor. Food of any sort, bathroom, entertainment, a bed, computer. I don’t know why you choose to sit there on your windowsill.”

“It’s a PRISON CELL. I can walk around the unit for half an hour- if Sgt. Johnson is trailing me.”

“It’s for your safety Abigail if you knew-“

“If I knew? I’m telling you right now I do know." My demanded, looking him straight into his brown eyes. He rested his hands on his desk, slowly motioning his hand over a slim silver button.

“Abigail no need to get angry... we are just talking? Remember,”

I rolled my eyes, clasping my hands together on top of my lap. 

“Continue with your monologue, Iron head."

He looked at me, then the potrait of his father across the room- inhaling then exhaling. “I’m sending you back to school.”

I slammed by combat boots on the ground, laughing.

“The last ten schools I attended I got kicked out of. Are you expecting anything different this time? I can get out of there as quick and easy as I can get in.”

“This is a special school.” He spoke, looking back towards me. 

“Great." I stated, looking out the thick metal door to the hallway. "The mental hospital all over again.”

“No. It’s in Southern New York; and I’ll think you’ll really enjoy it.”

I chuckled. Dad moved his hand off the button.

“Really now? You'll think I'll enjoy socializing with children who will just tease me? Have you already packed for me?" 

“Abi don’t be irrational. This school is different. For kids like- you.”

"Since when has anybody ever been like me?" I said, looking into dad's face, the a streak of guilt over came me. “How long.”

“Two years. Until you graduate.” 

I stood up and walked towards the exit. “I’d be surprised if I last two weeks.”

“Just please. I know the headmaster. This one time, please.”

I looked in the longing and sorrow possessed in his eyes. He wanted this for me. Thinking back about all the times I pissed off my dad; maybe I should at least try to come through this time. And I said try.

"Oh well, might as freaking well."

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