The Pill

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Since I was 5 years old, I did not want to take pills. It sucked all the moisture from my mouth and right now just thinking about taking it is making me nauseated. I Did not want to swallow pills like a normal person so we had a couple options.

-break it open and pour the contents over cereal and eat all cereal.
---sadly when we tried this I immediately spat out the half chewed cereal. Option 1: Terminated
-swallow it normally
---I would try to chew it So the medicine wouldn't work
-stick it in a pudding cup and don't chew just swallow the pudding.

That is what we did. For years we had to bring our own pudding cups for trips. One day I stopped using them when I was about 7 because we ran out an we had no time to get more. Ever since I have just swallowed or dry swallowed them.

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