The Plot Thickens: Abduction and Alarming Discoveries

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The professor jimmied the door and made his way to the slumbering and drugged brunette. "Well Miss Barstow, you didn't really think you could fool me did you?" He murmured, taking the phone off of the floor and placing it back onto the receiver with a sharp click.

With a nod of his head, the professor's two strong and muscular interns scooped Bonnie off of the floor and they carried her off into a hidden wing of the University. The professor remained behind for a few minutes removing any kind of trace that Bonnie had returned to her room. He wanted the place spotless so that not even the slightest shred of evidence could connect him to the mechanic and Foundation agent's disappearance; much less the other females he had abducted. This included taking her small purse that was laying directly beside her. He'd rummage through it later, when he felt more comfortable and that it was safer for him to pick through it. Meaning, he didn't want to stick around to be caught with Bonnie's things in his hand. It would directly implicate him in the criminal activity that had been occurring on campus and he could not and wound not have that.

When he was satisfied that nothing connecting him to her disappearance had been left behind, he made his way to the hidden wing of the building to further instruct his interns. The professor had calculated his every move including Miss Barstow's vanishing act and he had alibis planned for himself and his two interns should they be questioned. He had his bases covered- or so he thought.

A smile crossed over his lips as he descended the stairs into the university's dimly lit basement. He swept away whimsically and perilously hanging cobwebs as he made his way to the secret holding facility. He paused at the doorway, making sure he had not been followed before he slipped into the room. 

"How is our patient holding up?" He chirped, almost too enthusiastically. His eyes immediately observing her crumpled figure that had been less than delicately dropped in a make-shift cot.

"She is okay, I think. She keeps mumblin'  somethin' bout bein' ware of someone. We can't quiet make it out," the one intern replied.

"Yeah. Maybes she fell an' hit her head or somethin'" the second piped up willingly.

The professor's smile quickly vanished and he all but shouted, "she was feeding someone information, you idiots!!! Find out who she was calling now.... or we could all be going to jail for a really long time!"

"How do we do that?" His first intern questioned, half turning to the second intern. The second intern likewise shrugged and they turned their focus to the professor.


Turning his attention to his female hostage he breathed, "So Miss Barstow.... who are you really? And did you really think I wouldn't notice that you were asking too many questions about things that do not concern you?"

He unzipped her small purse and spilled the contents all over the table. He purposefully fingered a small wallet that had been tucked into a secretive corner of the bag.  The professor mumbled,"what do we have here" as he opened up the leather folds.

"Dr. Bonnie Barstow... cybernetist, a scientist, mechanic, and agent of F.L.A.G?" He read aloud. Reading further his face began to grow pale. "The Foundation for Law and Government? Great we bagged ourselves a wanna-be-cop... what else could go wrong," he seethed in question, putting her wallet and identification card down on the table.  His steely gaze then turned to a few photographs she carried in her bag. The first one showed her working under a car and this did little to peak the professor's interests. But the second one, a news paper clipping, was a very different story. He examined the picture for a good five minutes. 

The picture showed Bonnie Barstow and Michael Knight holding up a racing trophy and unfortunately, Bonnie forgot to cut the written article away from the picture. He began to read the somewhat smudged and faded words, "Michael Knight and the crew at the Foundation rounded up known criminals in a bust". That was as far as the professor needed to read before he grew angry and sick to his stomach. His brows furrowed and he remarked, "if that call was to the Foundation or the police, Miss Barstow, you will be super sorry. That phone call may have been your last."

Then the professor reminded himself, don't panic, perhaps she doesn't know anything. Maybe, her being here is a strange coincidence and nothing more. How could Miss Barstow know all about the other girls that went missing from the University and still sit through my class? She couldn't. She'd be too afraid to because the girls who went missing before her ended up either dead or in the hospital. I had a plan for my kidnappings- I want information on how to perfect a computerized virus that lets me hack into bank accounts... so that I can get the money I need for my research on a truth and mind control serums.  

The first murder was a mistake. My interns gave the girl too much of a toxic drug and it didn't help that the girl had an allergic reaction to it. They were only supposed to knock her out, abduct her for information, collect the ransom and then let her go. Instead she died.

The second girl witnessed me and my interns carrying the first girl's dead body through the hallway on our way to plant the girl back into her dorm room. We couldn't risk the second girl telling the authorities, the police, or even the provost about what she saw... so we ended up killing her in the heat of the moment. 

The third one was successfully drugged and abducted. We're still holding her for ransom but we transferred her to a house off-campus for safe keeping. As far as I know, she hasn't spoken to anyone about what we're doing here.

But there was that forth girl who escaped and I haven't seen her back in class. What if she got the Foundation involved? What if she was responsible for Miss Barstow's arrival? In any case, I'd have my interns track her down. If they couldn't tell me where she fled to, then I will go through the Registrar's office and I'll copy her demographic information. It should have a home address on the form, which will make it easier to find and re-abduct her.

The less people know about my activities, research, and administration of drugs to students, the better things will be for me. I haven't gone through all this work to end up arrested and most likely fired. NO! Even if I have to terminate an employee of F.L.A.G. and whoever she get what I want, so be it!  

Finishing a long inward reflection, the professor decided he'd delay action until he could find out what his interns could uncover about her phone call and until he got a chance to personally question Miss Barstow. That is, when she'd finally reawaken from her drug induced nap.

In the mean time, the professor took a seat on the corner of a well-worn wooden desk. He decided to observe his new hostage and to take some time to consider his options surrounding the unpleasant turn of events. He'd have to do something and soon if he wanted to get away with his abduction of Miss Barstow. After all, she presented a great threat to his freedom, his research, and more importantly his future as a professor.

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