Part Three!

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Another chapter everyone! I hope you have all liked it so far!

Mia POV:

I looked out the window. A cart came by. I got a bag of trail mix and a sprite. Everything looked so small from up here. It put me into perspective. I haven't been on a plane since I was a kid. We took a long road-trip to get to Cambridge.

Over the intercom I heard a young female, but tired, voice crackle on.

"Thank you for choosing Overlook Airlines, we are now landing in Orlando, Florida. The current time is six seventeen. I hope you have had a delightful flight. Thank you. And have a great time here in Florida." the speaker cut off.

We landed and I got off. I got my luggage. And I saw a big white sign with my name. 

It was in front of a LIMO!!!!

I walk over.

"Miss Malence. How good to see you." a man said. "My name is Davis. I am your personal driving butler. And Melanie is your personal assistant." Davis said. He opened the door to the limo. I slid in. Davis put the sign and my luggage in the trunk.

And he glided into the passenger seat. "And this is Michael. Your driver." he added.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Michael said, looking through the rear-view mirror."

"Nice to meet you, too." I said, snapping out of my daze. "And, please, call me Mia."

"Of course Miss- I mean Mia." He said.

I nodded, and looked out the window. Davis rolled up the divider.

We drove up to a large courtyard.

I gasped. " this where I'm living?"

"Yes. Mr. Graham is a famous fashion designer." he looked back at me. Then added, "Didn't you know that?"

"No..." I said. I looked at the huge mansion in front of me. There were three people waiting on the stairs. The limo pulled to a stop.

"Hello Miss Malence." a woman said. 

"Mia, call me Mia." I said. I looked up.

"Well, Mia, I am Melanie. This is Jacob, the cook. And Emma, she'll take care of your laundry. And making your bed. I'll help you pick out your outfit's every-"

"Woah, woah, woah, I'm very capable of picking my own outfits." I said. "I'm not 3 anymore. I'm 17."

"Yes, but Mr. Graham doesn't want his child going into public with whatever you choose." The word stung. Child. It was sour on my tongue.

"Alright." I said. Emma opened the trunk and grabbed my luggage. She brought it up the steps and into the house.

"I'll show you to your room." Melanie said. I grabbed my mint green backpack from Davis' hands. And I followed Melanie.

I walked in the arched door.

And there it was. An enormous, shiny chandelier. And the marble floors had gold tints here and there. I took off my shoes and placed them on the rug. My soft socks walked across the floor. There was a small apple on the top of the socks.

Melanie walked up the stairs. And I followed. "Here is your room, Mia." she said. She opened a door. I heard a DING!

"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh, just Emma bringing your bags up from the elevator."

"ELEVATOR?!" I screeched.

"Yes, it goes to all of the four levels." Melanie said. I stood there. Bathed in silence.

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