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EDIT: 29/12/15
HEY! If you don't know what's going on, please go read the last chapter of Let The Hunger Games Begin! Basically I found this story and a few other that I never published from like 10 months ago, and since I'm not into warriors anymore I'll just publish what I got now!

"Mintcloud! Get in here quick! Bluefeather's kitting!" Stormblaze yowled across the yowls of agony. A light grey tom hurried through the swarm of black and white and cats pelts toward the ivy-draped nursery. A blue-grey she-cat, her rippling belly round with kits, lay in the moss, her blue eyes wide. Stormblaze, Bluefeather's mate, stood in the entrance of the den to fight back any badgers. His amber eyes were narrowed with determination and his long tail was bushed up. The cries of battle echoed outside as Mintcloud shoved a stick into the grey she-cats mouth. She bit down on it as a first little bundle of fur slid out into the moss. Her belly erupted with movement again. Suddenly a screech sounded from the entrance. Stormblaze dropped to the floor, a badger looming over him, only just visible through the thick ivy. Mintcloud and Bluefeather screeched at the same time. And also at the same time, the badger pushed through the ivy and another kit landed in the nest. The huge black and white creature stepped over Stormblaze's black body and tried to untangle the ivy from its huge blunt claws. The jagged leaves were tightened around its body, holding it back.
Bluefeather's stick splintered, and another kit lay in the fluffy green moss. Just after that moment, the badger ripped through the ivy, growling with frustration. But suddenly claws tore at its throat. With a yowl, the ginger she-cat wrestled the badger out of the nursery. One last kit slid into the moss, leaving Bluefeather panting heavily while Mintcloud rasped her tongue over the four little furballs.
"We've defeated them! Tawnyflower, the deputy, yowled from outside. Defeated but victorious cries rang out. Bluefeather closed her eyes peacefully.
Mintcloud breathed a sigh of relief. Bluefeather and her kits were safe...
But Stormblaze's blood-encrusted body was limply sprawled outside the nursery.

Bluefeather shook out her damp dark grey fur, riding up from her mates black body. She had sat vigil for a long time, with her sister at her side. Stormblaze had sacrificed himself for her, and gotten killed. Then Emberpetal, her sister, had driven the badger away. She owed her life to them both.
"Bluefeather," Emberpetal touched her ear with her nose gently. "He walks with StarClan now. You must name your kits."
Bluefeather hung her head. The clearing was filling with silver, low hanging mist.
"You have to take care of them and be happy. Stormblaze would've wanted that. Come on, let's go meet them!" Bluefeather bounded after the ginger she-cat, her body still sore from kitting.
"They're all asleep now." Mintcloud greeted them. "Come! They're three she-cats and a tom."
"Look! The little ginger one looks like you!" Bluefeather exclaimed. "She is Emberkit."
"Aww! Thank you!" Emberpetal purred. "Then the blue-grey she-kit should be Bluekit!"
"Alright." Bluefeather nodded. Seeing her healthy kits made her grief fade a little. "How about we name the dark grey tabby tom Ivykit, after the ivy that protected us for a while from the badger?" Her heart twisted as she pictured the badgers angry face, it's mouth open into a snarl, dripping with Stormblaze's blood.
"Yes, that name is perfect! And what about the light blue-grey one with the white tail tip?" Emberpetal asked.
"Mistykit, after the mist that hangs in the air today."
"Emberkit, Bluekit, Ivykit and Mistykit." Mintcloud nodded. "I like it. You must be tired, though. Have a rest!"
The grey tom was right. Her muscles were throbbing and aching and her eyelids were heavy. She settled down in her nest, curled her tail around her kits and let sleep drag her into its dark depths.

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