Chapter 6

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"Emberpaw was what?" Mistypaw shrieked.
"Mistypaw, calm down!" Bluepaw replied. "Mintcloud said she'll be alright, and him and the other medicine cats are treating her!"
"Well, what happened? The fox just came out of nowhere and attacked her but not you? You don't look hurt at all!"
"I-I climbed the rock. Emberpaw was too slow, and the fox got her."
"But-But did she get any serious injuries?" Mistypaw shuddered, trying to push horrifying ages of Emberpaw with a lost leg or something out of her mind.
"I don't know. Rainpaw saw what was happening, and got help- Silverfrost and Nightfur fought off the fox. But I didn't see Emberpaw after that, because that's when Bluefeather came and took me away. I'm sure she's fine!" Bluepaw looked behind her to see Ivypaw running over, his yellow eyes wide.
"I heard everything from Rainpaw!" He gasped. "Is Emberpaw alright?!"
"I don't know, but I'm sure she's fine!" Bluepaw repeated.
"Bluepaw, Ivypaw, Mistypaw." Mintcloud stepped out. "May I remind you that looks don't matter, and Emberpaw will always be your sister." He meowed quietly.
Mistypaw was struck with panic. What was Mintcloud talking about? The three littermates nodded. "W-What happened?" Ivypaw said quietly.
"Let's just say she's got her first battle scars." Mintcloud forced a sad smile, and stepped aside. Mistypaw padded into the shelter, trying to block out the smell of herbs. A small ginger body was shifting about in a mossy nest in the corner.
"Emberpaw!" Mistypaw cried, rushing over. Emberpaw rolled onto the other side, facing Mistypaw and the others. Mistypaw screeched and stumbled backwards.
"She is glad to see you!" Mintcloud spat in her ear. "Don't take notice!"
Mistypaw turned to glanced at her shocked siblings and gulped, and turned back to Emberpaw.
"We're so glad you're alive, Emberpaw!" Mistypaw meowed.
Emberpaw nodded. She looked at Bluepaw, a strange expression on her face, then at Ivypaw.
"W-Why did you back away from me?" Emberpaw asked slowly.
"Don't tell her!" Mintcloud hissed.
"Why? She's gotta know sometime!" Mistypaw hissed back, pain tugging at her heart.
"Fine. Show her then." The light grey tom mumbled, helping Emberpaw to her paws. Mistypaw guided the ginger she-cat over to a small frozen puddle. Emberpaw glanced at her reflection and staggered back.
"No!" She cried. "What happened to me?"
"I-I'm so sorry. The fox..." Mintcloud started sadly. Featherpelt and Dewflower, the medicine cats of ShadeClan and WaveClan, stepped in beside him.
"You will still learn to fight and hunt and become a warrior." Featherpelt meowed.
"Yeah! And eneryone will love you just like you are." Dewflower added, her blue-grey eyes sad. Mistypaw now took her time to look at Emberpaw's right eye. Or what was left of it. It was a hollow, pink socket. Two scars crisscrossed over it. Her right ear was completely gone; shredded off. And her left ear had a tear in it. A long scar went from her shoulder to the middle of her leg, and bite marks marked her flank.
"I-I..." Emberpaw looked too stunned for words. A silent tear trickled down her cheek from her good eye. "I thought just couldn't see in one of my eyes because the fox must've hit my face a bit hard... But... It's gone! Completely gone! And my ear, too..." She wailed. Mistypaw hurried over to comfort her sister, and Ivypaw and Bluepaw joined in.
"We love you, Emberpaw. That'll never change." Ivypaw meowed.
"Does Bluefeather know about this?" Emberpaw sniffed.
"She... she knows." Mintcloud started uncertainly.
"Then why isn't she here?" Mistypaw asked. "Emberpaw needs her!"
"She just needs... a little time. Ok?" Mintcloud's light green eyes gazed into the distance.
"Hey, is your sister ok?" A familiar give called. Mistypaw turned and saw a dark grey-blue tom padding toward her.
"Oh my..." Rainpaw gasped after taking a look at the orange tabby.
"You saved her life." Mistypaw said. "Thank you!"
"Oh- it was nothing. Any cat would've done it! Besides, Silverfrost and Nightfur did most of the fighting."
"Well, thanks anyways." Mistypaw felt her heart twist at the sight of her miserable, permanently-scarred sister.
She'll be a warrior. Some day. Mistypaw thought.

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