Chapter 7

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"Bluefeather, look!" Ivypaw squeaked. "Emberpaw caught that plumb rabbit all by herself!" Emberpaw dropped a white snow rabbit at the makeshift fresh-kill pile and her green eye brightened.
"Mhm." Bluefeather grunted and lowered her gaze. Ivypaw saw Emberpaw hang her head, and he padded over to comfort her.
"I bet that'll feed all the grumpy elders!" He meowed cheerfully. "Even the nasty old one-eyed Jaggedtooth from ShadeClan!" Emberpaw winced and Ivypaw immediately regretted saying 'one-eyed'. Emberpaw would take a while to get used to only seeing with one eye, but she was strong and confident. At least she could still hear out of her shredded ear!
"I-I'm sorry, Emberpaw. I shouldn't have-"
"It's ok." Emberpaw replied, touching his flank with her tail. "I'll get used to my new look. So will you and all the other cats." But Ivypaw noticed she sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more than him.
"All cats gather!" Pebblestar yowled from a high rock. Hazelstar, Rosestar, zany Brackenstar sat behind him. Emberpaw and Ivypaw made their way over to see what was gong on.
"We have noticed unfamiliar cat scents!" Rosestar announced as soon as the four clans were settled. "And we have spotted them hunting dangerously close to our temporary territory."
"We have identified them as Tribe Cats! These ancient cats were once allies of the clans, but we have not been in contact. The Tribe of Frosty Wind has been rediscovered!"
The clans gowned and cheered.
"The question is," Hazelstar flicked her tail, "do we meet them or ignore them and move on? We have decided to let the clans decide."
"Meet them!"
"Ignore them!"
"Fight them!"
"Move on!"
The suggestions flew across the snowy clearing.
"Stop!" Brackenstar lashed his tail. "We will have a vote. Those who wish to meet the Tribe Cats, raise your paws."
Ivypaw and Emberpaw raised their paws, along with a lot of others.
"Okay. Now those of you who wish to ignore it attack the Tribe Cats, raise your paws."
When everyone has voted, Brackenstar spoke up again. "It is decided. The leaders and I will send a patrol to meet the Tribe of Frosty Wind!"
ShadeClan, WaveClan, BrightClan and StreamClan cheered.

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