The Mysterious Biker Girl

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Chapter 1
All Rights Reserved. ©

Aaron Mathews

Everything was going as normal as the day before, nothing was out of the ordinary, I went to school in my shiny and expensive car that everyone wants, which makes me the most envied male in West Haven College and the richest, I don't like to brag much so I'm not going to, you might already have your opinion of me but I can say that they're all wrong, believe it or not I'm not the college's biggest douche, neither am I ignorant or an arrogant jerk, okay so I do have my moments when I act like I'm all three and most of them are when I'm with my friends, I can't say I'm the golden boy because I'm not and in my own personal opinion-no one is, but anyway back to the point of the story, as soon as I stepped out of my beautiful and luxurious car, a herd of girls ran towards me in their high heels and tight and restricting clothes that left nothing to the imagination, they all crowed around me making me feel slightly claustrophobic, so I ducked and crawled from beneath them, this made me remember of all the movies I saw on TV where the guy was surrounds by chicks so he did the same thing as I did, I rose up from the ground and dusted myself off, and calmly I strolled towards the group of males staring at the group of girl that had just attacked me, as soon as they saw me they erupted into laughter oh great they saw the scene.

"Nice escape man" said Ace my best friends while clapping me on the shoulder, if I had to confide in someone it has to be him, he's the only one I trusted with my life.

"Yup, a classic" said Ash popping the 'p' from behind Ace, Ash like Ace is another one of my best friends, and another one I would trust no matter what.

Okay so I should just tell you who's in our gang, so there's me, Ace, Ash, Adam, Alec, Alex, and Jett, and yeah if you haven't noticed they all start with A's well except for Jett. Ace, Ash and Jett are my three closest friends that knows everything about me, right now we're all standing behind Jett's SUV, Adam, Alec and Alex went inside the college for something, leaving me with Ace, Ash and Jett like I mentioned before.

"So dude, how's the whole thing with Maya working out?"

I just inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly, while running a hand through my tousled hair it's a nervous habit of mine. Maya Antony the most sought out girl in campus, she's popular, she's got the looks and a twin sister but much to the male species' disappointment she is nothing like her sister, Mia Antony, Maya's older sister is what I would call the brains of the family, don't get me wrong she is good looking, it's just she doesn't embrace it, she hides herself behind books, and hardly ever goes out, she wears clothes that a probably two sizes too big for her, which covers her body completely, but she's a complete genius! She has never once got a grade below an 'A'.

The Antonys moved here a few years ago when I in West Haven high school's year 10, and ever since year 10, Maya has been unreachable, mostly because of the guys that surround her, sure I can order them to move, after all I have influence over them, but she's always taken when I try to ask her out. We would be the ultimate couple of West Haven; I'm not chasing her just for the sake of an image, no that's just an added bonus, and now that we're quarter of way through my 2nd year of college and I still haven't talked to her out of class.


I was interrupted by a rev of a motorbike that entered the college parking lot, of all the years I have been in West Haven, never have I seen anyone riding this beautiful motorbike, it was a black and pink Ducati sports bike, the rider was in an all black full leather suit, that hugged all her curves, she was wearing a black tinted helmet, meaning she could see us but we couldn't see her, or to be more specific her face. Every male in the parking lot either ran, jogged or walked towards this rider and her one of a kind bike.

The rider reached for her helmet and inched it up, so we get to see this mysterious biker girl, I wonder who it is I thought to myself, maybe it's a new student, then suddenly- as if she thinking better of it, the biker let go of her helmet, turned the ignition off and got off of her bike, leaving the boys to ogle over her, her bike or both.

Wordlessly she marched into the college without even a second glance at anyone.

"Dude she looks hot!" Ace, Ash and Jett, all exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, she does, I wonder who it is?"

"What about Maya?" Ace asked

"Are you kidding, I've heard that biker girls are WILD in bed!" Jett exclaimed

"Only you Jett" Ash replied

"I don't know but I'm following her!" I said pointing to the direction the girl on the bike walked.

"Dude, you're our mate and everything but don't you think that is a bit stalkerish?" Jett asked

"I meant to check where she's going, you know? Gather some clues as to who she is."

"Oh! Alright then what are you waiting for go already!" all three said in unison.

I ran towards the college entrance chasing after the girl that changed the 'normal' factor of our school forever.


Hi guys,

New story, new idea, tell me what you think about it, if you think this story deserves to be read then recommend it your friends or whoever if you want to.

:S ( I have no idea if that made sense or not)

Vote and comment if you think this story is good and or deserves it.

Love you all and hope all of you will enjoy Christmas as its nearly here! ooh! Hope you have lots of pressies!

Keep warm and read on!

~ Ninja

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