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Glorious Matria is a mystical world of unknown beings. Matriarchs, as they have been called, are born with human-like face and body structure, and with tattoo-looking marks imprinted on their skin; and what makes them unique is that each of them has various skills and powers. But they have brought wars upon themselves because of the simple desire to become the leader after Parschaein, the most precious goddess who peacefully ruled the mystical world, leading to their own destruction without them having a single clue of what could be left - not only of the place, but also of their dignity as beings.

The Lands of the Glorious Matria, the holiest grounds that ever existed on the face of the magical world, have become a bloody bargain. War gods controlling over different factions of warriors have taken lives they once protected. Mothers died without a choice, but to leave the world with their souls tortured with misery; while fathers were taken to the Chamber of the Serpents to become nothing, but a minced fleshy treat. Infants were taken care of, placed into a room full of incubators. Males and females were separated. Divided, they were tested and grouped into Supreos, the Alphas, and Inferios, the Frails. The children left of the barbarous slaughter were ice cold dead within their very blood-pumping hearts. They had no time to grief or to cry like one since they were also taken by the war gods to be trained for future battles. And once they show weakness, fear of severe punishment smites and covers their whole body.

The war has to stop.

If the best of the greatest, the strongest among the robust is the villain of the story, then how will it ever end?

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