Chapter 2: Secret Woes

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A group of soldiers led us out of the hall, while some women, probably in their thirties, cleaned the fresh remnants of the rebel. As we walked naively along the corridors, I noticed the splendid design of the doors, walls, ceilings, and every corner I could see. It was detailed and embellished with embossed diamond prisms, reflecting the shine emitted by the burning light floating in mid air. A work of magic, I'd say.

Literally alive colored flowers, placed on the corners, smelled the walking crowd. I've always seen these flowers in my mother's garden. We call them Sanctorium. Every time my mother touched them, it softly rushes its petals to her hands just as cats would do when they yearn for petting. My mother always said that they change their color when you touch them because they can sense what you're feeling. If there's too much passion in your heart, they change their color to dark red. If there's hatred, they turn black. When you're happy, they become yellow.

The soldiers opened the door, and the air blew to our faces and gave an arctic atmosphere. We were outside the grand castle, and it seemed like winter was coming. I was cold. I can get hypothermia with the current breeze and weather almost intoxicating me. We were to enter a maze made of dark green bushes with the vines dominantly showing.

I shivered horribly. Weather like this is very rare in our residence. I put up my hood, but the wind gusted so hard, it went off my head. I tried to control my shake.

"You're cold," a tall brunette man held my left hand. I took out my hand from his as fast as I could.

"What the hell?" I frantically looked at him.

"So you felt it?" He laughed shortly. I'm not sure what was I supposed to feel.

"Who are you?" I didn't answer his question. And what was he even referring to? Love at first sight?

"Calm down. This," As he took my hand again which I allowed this time, I looked confused at our hands.

"What?" There was nothing happening. Nothing.

"Wait for it."

A sudden rush of heat flowed throughout my body and the frost inside me immediately faded. The wind didn't bother me anymore. I looked at him, and said, "So this."

"Yes." He smiled.

"Is it necessary? Our hands... holding?"

"Hands absorb heat the easiest."

O-kay... I thought he was a creep.

"Vixen Heratini. Fire."


"My name and power."

Why is he telling me this? Is he not thinking? I can use anything he says against him. Disclosing any information about yourself could lead to your own destruction.

"I kind of realize that now," I smirked. "Thanks." I scratched my neck under my long wavy hair, while my other hand was still in his.

"You're from the village, right," he asked.

I answered by the arching of my brows. He was expecting me to talk, but why would I? My parents taught me little good things, and one of them is not talking to strangers, though we were still holding hands. How ironic. I sighed.

I erased the thought. There's nothing to worry about; we're both captives anyway, so I replied, "Yes. Why, aren't you?"

"I am. I am," he hesitated. "I, uh actually... see you everyday."

So now what, you're really a creep?

"'Cause you always pass by our house," he continued.

"Oh..." I whispered.

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