Chapter 3: Legendary Tales

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*Author's Note: Sorry, readers, for being so late in uploading some chapters. I was in the midst of preparing for my midterms. Since my exams are done, here ya go! :D *

I was walking with ten women; four at my front, and six behind. Meekly taking a glimpse of their appearance, my peripherals could see the numerous constructed doors as we pass through the hallway. And although the burning lights floating in mid air along the corridor were as small as candles, their luminosity filled up the corridor with the radiance comparable to the brightness the sun would normally exude; I could almost think it's already at the break of dawn.

A Supreo divided us into five, making a pair. The woman with green eyes stood beside me. After the Supreo had instructed us to enter the room, the woman and I waited. She was taking too long to open it, so I furiously did it for the both of us. Doesn't she want to get a rest and never wake up to a nightmare?

Opening the door slowly, I realized the room was not as spacious as I expected considering that there were already newly recruits – I mean, selfish recruits – who had chosen their respective beds. I mean, come on, there are only ten beds in here, which in fact, all of you had claimed for your own egotistical asses. I wish you get glued to it until the end of your lives.

As we sat on the corner, a man pulling up his body, trying to sit on his legs, asked, "So how was the 'audition'?"

I was not sure who was he asking – me or the woman with the green eyes? Well, fuck this. I wouldn't even answer if I was the one being asked. My mouth's too rude to speak for now since everything is literally fucked up too, besides that Lord Harthellion. I didn't move my lips.

"Woman, he asked how was it." Another man said with a threatening tone.

"Well aren't you just too dumb to ask that? We're both women here. How would we know who was he asking," I said. But the woman with the green eyes, looking as fragile as a breaking twig, held my left arm and made contact to my eyes, as if she was scared to fight. But, why would she be intimidated if she made it to the team of Supreos anyway?

The man, who spoke with a threatening tone, was so offended by my sarcasm that he left his bed and came at me. But, who would even be insulted by his own low intellect? It's not even my fault for his insufficient storage of understanding.

Everyone in the room was cheering for a fight which I was not interested in for the moment. But, the twig-fragile woman stood up before he even came closer to me, and conversed with him with inaudible words. She came back beside me, while the man turned back right away, aiming for his bed.

"What the fuck, man?" The guy, who asked us, said to the low intellectual being, while all the other women in the room replaced their merriment of the supposed-to-be brawl with disappointment in their mouths. But the man took on the covers and tucked himself in it and slept. Then, he came over to us. He was speaking to us, but his eyes were set straight on me like everything he was saying was addressed to me, "Obviously, you're new here since I've never seen a newbie disrespect any of their superiors."

"And certainly because you've never seen me before. Just to add some facts why I'm obviously new here."

"Darling, don't you think she deserves a whip," a girl said with some flirtation in her voice. He smiled to her. And everybody started to cheer again.

Knowing that the powers that I've had in the battle is already gone, I nervously gulped for a second and faced the consequence of my blunder. As he eagerly choked me straight up to the wall, the woman begged him to stop. But his hands were firmly throttling my neck still. I looked at him straight into the eyes.

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