Chapter 1: Don't Know Jack

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  • Dedicated to Some Friends I Lost Last Year

[POV] 3rd Omniscient

"You can't do this, Espen! This isn't you! This isn't you!" Ludolf clutches onto his friends bloody shirt collar and begs him to come to his senses.

"Espen... You have to remember me," Tabitha reaches out to touch Espen's face, but she jerks it away when he cranes his neck to attack her.

Ludolf sprays something on the other man that makes him scream a bloody sound and his skin burn like the fires of Pompeii.

"Gaaaaah haha ha!" Espen screams and laughs like a madman when the liquid hits him this time. "Your friend is gone, Ludolf. He's gone. And they'll be gone soon too. Tabitha. Melody. And of course how could I leave out Sky?"

The younger man's eyes grow dark and he grits his teeth.

"I know you care for her, Ludolf. More than you've ever cared for Melody. More than anyo-"

More of the solution is doused all over whatever has become of Espen. "Shut up!" Ludolf screams at him and rips the fabric of the sleeve clear off of the dark haired boy's shirt.

Espen inhales shakily and grimaces at the pain in his head. "We're gonna destroy all of-" he manages to say before he is cut off.

Shut up!" And with those words, Ludolf sends a fist filled with so much rage that he knocks out teeth from the thing's skull and leaves his face broken and bruised as well as his own hand shattered.

Melody's heart sinks to her heels as her worst fear is confirmed. She'd thought it was nothing at first, but as time went on she learned that Sky and Ludolf were always too close to be anything less than intimate.

The thing inside of Espen laughs again. And again. Soon he is doubled over in the chair he is tied to and convulsing with insanity. The other boy grabs the now bare arm of Espen and takes a long blade dipped in water and presses the cold metal against the creature's skin. He sheiks such an awful, blood draining sound so loud it can be heard from across the woods, and everyone in the room hears the heart crushing sound of Tabitha begging Ludolf to stop. Begging for Espen back.

[POV] Elsa

"And cut!" The director shouts. A bell rings loud in my ears "Well done guys! Amazing job today. Okay, so show up back here in forty. Keep up working like that and you might just get those Emmy's you wanted." He chuckles at the comment and dismisses us from the set.

"Jack! Els! We're going out to visit the press. Wanna join us?" Hiccup shouts across the room to me and to Jack who is right in front of him, still holding the prop knife.

"Yeah, sure," Jack answers for the both of us.

"Hello, Jack! We can't. Sorry, Hiccup. We've got lunch planned already. Remember, Jackson?" I can see him blush at the use of his proper name, and I can't help but laugh a little.

"Right... Sorry, Hiccup. I forgot about that." He apologizes.

"Aw but guys, E!News is going to be there! Everyone's freaking out over the season finale and they want us to speak up about it," Hiccup pleads as he stands up from the chair he was "tied" to and takes off his ropes.

"Oh alright," I cave in. "But were still getting lunch, Jack. After we're interviewed." Jack agrees and the five of us head out to our dressing rooms to change out of our costumes.

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We're strolling down the street in our casual attire of jeans and tee shirts while the paparazzi charge after us. After about five minutes of playing cat and mouse with them, the group and I stop to let them interview us. Rapunzel notices the E!News van and alerts Merida, who spreads the word to Hiccup, who tells it to Jack, who lets me know.

"Hiccup! Mr. Haddock! A minute of your time, please?" An interviewer shouts over the noise of camera shutters and flash bulbs.

"Yeah, hi," He acknowledges the woman with the microphone and gives her a smile while he holds his hand over his amber green eyes that are hidden beneath tinted sunglasses. The California sun beats down hard on Hollywood's crowded street.

She looks visibly excited at the attention of Hiccup and motions for her cameraman to come closer. "Hello, sir I'm Snow with E!News! I was hoping to get some intel on everyone's favorite stars?"

"Sure thing," Hiccup grew a genuine smile. "What would you like to know?"

She looked nervous. It was as if she didn't want to ask the question. "Well I assume its not what you'd expect to hear, but we were hoping that you might be able to clear up some of the rumors."

Hiccup tilts his head, "Rumors?"

"Yes. Specifically those involving your co-stars Jack and Elsa?" She must not notice that Jack and I are only a few feet away from the place of her interview. There have been many rumors floating around the media that Hiccup and I had a fling in the past few days. Of course it's false and nothing but bad jokes and script copies have been shared between Hic and me. Jack seems to have been asked the same question in his interview as he looks to me with an annoyed expression.

I walk up to him and press down the leather collar of his open black jacket. "Elsa? Care to enlighten us?" He smirks. His jacket unzips to reveal a dark blue shirt, and he stuffs one fist into a pocket, while the other grabs my hand.

I jump to the rescue. "Well, I'd think it ought to be quite obvious that nothing's happening between us. Honestly, even I'm surprised at how much 'evidence'," I stress the pronunciation of that word, "you all have... collected." I smile a little and this seems to please the interviewer. I learn from a tag that his name is Florian. Florian?

"One more question, Mr. Overland," he orders and Jack nods. "Any updates you might care to give us on that baby of yours?" Florian's face fosters an evil grin. I see all of the color in Jack's face drain and I can feel my own cheeks heat up intensely.

"What?" I manage to choke out. I stare dangerously deep into his frosty eyes. They are filled with fear. "What is he talking about, Jack?" I can feel hot anger and extreme embarrassment.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the reporter holding back laughter. "Alright, interview over." Jack moves his arm to go over my shoulders and steers us away from the camera. He holds up another hand to block our faces from the lens that chases us.

Once we are away from the crowd, we stop and I rip his arm away form my shoulders and pin him against the wall with my forearms trapping his wrists. He struggles at first, then relaxes. "Els, what going on?" He looks genuinely confused.

"Seriously?" I can't begin to comprehend how clueless he looks right now. "What was he talking about?"

Jack cocks his eyebrow. "Who? The interviewer?"

"Yes, the interviewer, you idiot. What was he taking about?" I repeat. "What baby? Why did you get so flushed? Is there something you're not telling me?" I didn't notice until now how close I am to his face.

He lets out a little sound somewhere between a sigh and a whimper. "Elsa, I can explain."

"Explain then," I persist.

Jack looks around the alley and then back at me. We're the only two here. "I think it'd be more comfortable in a more public place. You know... one where you can't kill me."

"I won't kill you unless you give me a reason to, Jackson." I see him flinch.

He tilts his head a little and a few strands of hair fall in front of his eyes. "How about that lunch?"

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Well that's chapter one! Hope you guys like it. I have some really big plans for this story, and I think you'll all love it. Please leave a vote and some comments. I love to read them!

Stay curioz!

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