Chapter 2: Bipolar Bears and a Scottish Paramour

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[POV] Jack

I'm sitting in the restaurant with my hands tied together. Not literally, of course, but I might as well be. Elsa is in the bathroom and I'm waiting for her here at our booth in her usual selection of eatery.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" The three kids that I had now realize have just entered the restaurant are grabbing eacother's arms and gaping. Their wide eyes are staring straight at me "It's him, right?" One of them demands. She has ebony black hair and strikingly golden eyes. They look like they should intimidate me, but somehow they are calming and starry. "Because I didn't drive all the way out to Hollywood for nothing!" Her face is thin and beautiful with sharp features, like those of a diamond. I can tell she is much older than her two companions. About my age, I'm guessing.

"Honestly, Em," another kid starts, "we all know you had to be down here anyway, well considering that whole situation with... you know," he whispers the last part of the sentence.

"Jamie, shut up," the remaining girl snaps. She looks down as if afraid of the other two friends' reactions.

The boy she addressed as Jamie tugs at the hem of his shirt and shuffles his feet anxiously. "Sorry," I can barley hear him mumble. "I'm pretty sure it is him though, I mean who else has-" he stops mid-sentence when he notices me staring at their group. "Uh, guys?" he nudges the two girls next to him and points in my direction.

Just at that moment, I hear the quick steps of small feet and look away. I am greeted by the owner of these feet when I turn around to find Elsa scooting into the booth. Out of habit, she slides in next to me rather than in the seat across from us. "Forgetting something" I try to hide my involuntary smirk.

"What?" She's forgotten already. There's no sense in bringing it up, but I'm not thinking too clearly today anyway, so I remind her.

"You were furious with me," I begin to explain. She seems to remember now and turns pink.

Elsa looks like she wants to move seats, but decides against it. "Of course I remember. What, is it illegal to sit next to my boyfriend now?"

Now I turn pink. I can't help but be embarrassed every time she uses that word in reference to me. This regardlss of the fact that we've been "official" for over six months now. "No... I suppose it's not," I anwer cooly, "still though, I'd figure you of all people to be great at holding a grudge."

"Well, let's say it's a fair playing field now." She gives me an icy side eye.

"Fair playing field?" I repeat.

Elsa looks amused. "Yeah! I have Hiccup and you have a baby," she chuckles as she says the last word. "Or whatever it was that guy was talking about." While her voice was lively, her eyes look concerned. "Why did you get so nervous about that anyway, Jack?"

I can feel her eyes seering into my own and almost burying themselves in my retinas. "Not nervous," I correct her, "just embaressed, I guess." I clarify my reaction.

"And what reason could you possibly have for being embarrassed by the fact that we were having a baby?" Elsa stresses the half of her sentence a little too quick and loudly for my liking and we receive a few interested glances from the people at their tables. This audience included the now seated and eating group of three I'd seen minutes ago.

"Els, calm down. I'm not the only guilty one here. You were every shade of red back there too." I try to conceal her growing stress. How effective. Blame her for uncontrollable reactions of the bloodstream to her face. I am a genius.

While I was expecting a total outburst, she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Fifty shades of Jack's face, huh?" She pokes.

"37?" A voice booms over the counter of Thai Patio's kitchen.

"I've got it," I tell Elsa. I hold up my ticket and motion for her to stand up from the seat. To my annoyance, she snatches the ticket from my fingers and stands up to get our food. On her way out, she ruffles my hair and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Her face is refreshingly cold when I hold it to kiss her nose. "Don't tamper with any of my food!" I call after her as she walks away with an open smile on her face.

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[POV] Elsa

"Hurry, Jack! I am not going to be late because of you!" I shout to him as he jogs along behind me. We're supposed to be back for work in three minutes and we're six blocks away.

"Hey, calm down, would you? We've only-" he starts.

I quickly intrude, "You've only".

I hear him grunt and I know he's rolling his eyes. "Fine. I have only been late once! Once this whole week!" He stresses on the use of "I".

"Jack," I stop jogging. We're standing still next to each other now. "Jack, it's Tuesday."

Instead of the witty comeback that I expected, Jack just smiles and says, "Well... I suppose we just can't be late again then. Can we?" He wears a charmingly boyish and cheeky smile. He turns around so I face his back, and I see his thin but strong arms swoop out from his sides and I realize what he is about to do only a second before he does it.

"Jack- wait!" I am cutoff as he lifts me up swiftly and and tells me to hold onto his neck. I laugh and he holds my calves in front of his chest. When we run like this, we arrive just seconds early for shooting. I couldn't hold back my smiling and laughter throughout the whole run.

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"Mrrmph ehawhaw," comes Jack's winner of the 'most pitifully awful attempt at the mimicry of a horse's whinny award' as we crash through the doors to stage 5. This commotion, on top of the fact that I'm being carried in on Jack's shoulders causes an array of reactions from our friends and co-stars.

"Alright enough romantics, time to to down to business," Merida finally speaks up in the group's mixture of giggles and eye rolls.

"Oh come on Mer, if you had a man as wonderful as myself, you'd never disprove of my flirtatious manner," Jack says almost annoyingly formally. I can almost swear that I see her glance at Hiccup for a few seconds. I raise my eyebrows but then remember that he just ended a three year relationship with Astrid, a girl whom he'd known since he was a kid. From what I'd gathered, they were very serious. Hiccup said they had to end things when he moved to Hollywood for our show. He's still pretty beaten up about it, even though it's been a month or so. I can't say I blame him.

"Yeah. I'm sure about that you're majesty," she counters sarcastically with a lazy curtsy. Jack just smirks and squints to look into Merida's eyes. Sure enough, Merida does the same. They are each leaning in threateningly, and eventually are broken up by Jack poking her nose and making a "boop" noise.

Hiccup sighs and walks up to them, "That's enough, lovebirds. Merida's right. It's time for work. You can canoodle to your hearts' desires all you want when we finish shooting."

Jack and Merida both flush red causing Rapunzel to giggle. I join her involuntarily.

I can glimpse our director stuffing the last bite of a powdered doughnut into his wide mouth. "And back to work in five! Four! Three!" He warns enthusiastically through sugary lips. "Two!"

By the time he gets to "One," we are all skipping up to the set. "Let's roll!"

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I drew the weird looking picture in the media section with the sketchbook app.

Sorry for the wait! I've been super busy with stuff for my birthday (Jan 2) and midterms so I've been a little inactive.

I hope you guys like it! I'll try to get to the good stuff soon. A little drama, some action, and more fluffiness between the ships is soon to come! :)

- (ノ゜∇゜)ノ I'm out

And Scene! {The Big Five+} (Jelsa/Mericup)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang