What are those things?!

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May 4th

"What do we even do today?" Muffet asked.
"Stay in here again." Love said.
"No!!!" Darla Doily said.
"FINE THEN! We will go to the plaza. I'm sure there's new arrivals" Love said and walked out the door with Muffet and Darla.
They walked into the plaza, which was extremely crowded by new dolls that came yesterday.
Suddenly, an alarm beeped, and a woman voice said something over the sirens.
"Please walk through the gates and make it to the institute of perfection." it said.
"Those are the guys that was on that conveyer belt!" Muffet pointed out.
The voices in the sirens were instructing the new people where to go and what to do, and there were even robots escorting the new dolls.
They saw a doll getting scanned, and suddenly two doors closed into the doll, then reopening, turning it into a happy looking dark skinned girl with hot pink lipstick, red blush, hot pink eyeshadow, hazel eyes, and dark purple curly hair.
"Your name is Meghan! You're a lawyer, slash model." the scanner voice said.
"Objection, your honor!" Meghan said happily, skipping off.
Another doll got scanned.
"Your name is Michael! You're an engineer, slash model." another scanner said, turning the doll into a boy with light blue eyes and dark blue hair.
"I'm an individual, EXACTLY like the rest of you!!" Michael said, pointing at everyone.
Then, a hottish pinkish red monster looking short stubby doll entered the scanner, but it caused the scanner to break.
"She doesn't look like the people here at all." Darla said.
"She's ugly looking.." Love said.
All of the perfect dolls were doing their own things, but when they looked at the monster looking dolls they screamed, some holding on to eachother as an orange monster looking doll with an underbite pointed to the pink one.
Almost all of the perfect dolls who saw the ugly ones ran away, as the things were walking towards everyone.
"Oh, must be a customary greeting here!" a red bat doll with a blue nose said, and then screaming at Love, causing her to scream and faint.
The uglies kept walking in the plaza, then suddenly Ugly Dog speeded over to Meghan and set a table and chair up and sat on the chair, speaking a different language while bringing a bottle of sparkling apple cider out and popping the lid open.
"Hard pass." Meghan said annoyed, walking off.
"I guess she's not bilingual, cause that was my best line." Ugly Dog said.
"Another swing, another miss!" Wage said and walked off.
"These skirts look SOOO pretty on us!" a female doll said to another female doll.
"But are they absorbant?" Wage asked braggily, picking earwax out of her ear, wiping it on her apron and then blowing her 'nose' into it.
"Ewww!" the two new girls said running away.
"Love, Love! LOOOOOVEEE!" Darla screamed at Love, trying to wake her up.
"What?" Love asked, waking up.
"The monsters are here." Muffet said, pointing to the uglies looking at the biggest TV in the institute.
"I'm gonna talk to the new people." Love said, and walked over to the two girls who talked about their skirts being pretty. They were talking with eachother, but then suddenly Love overheard a familiar voice saying, "Ewwww! What. Are. Those?"
Love looked behind her, and she saw the girls who called her stuck up. Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday. The fourth girl, Mandy, was alright though.
"Is that supposed to be.. some kind of dog?" Lydia asked.
"Lou is SO not gonna like this." Tuesday said.
"Definitely not. He'll be like, i do not like this, ew ew ew." Kitty said.
"Oh my gosh Kitty! That's such a good Lou impression." Tuesday said.
"I know, right?" Kitty asked smiling, and the three girls looked towards Mandy smiling.
"Uh- i know too, right?" Mandy asked, nodding slowly, causing the other three to roll their eyes.
"Uh, excuse me girls, who's Lou???" Nolan, a new doll from yesterday asked, which caused a lot of dolls to stare at him with their eyes widened as they cringed.
Suddenly the lights went out in the entire institute and a spotlight shined on Nolan.
"'Who's Lou?' Were you born YESTERDAY?" Kitty asked.
"Uhmmm.. Yes!" Nolan said.
"Look, listen, and learn!" Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday all said at the same time, pointing at a mansion behind them which then shined the spotlight on the mansion, showing a doll with a lollipop figure, which meant a big head and skinny body.
"Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou!" everyone chanted over and over as the TV had a word on it that said "LOU" lots of times in different fonts.
"I love you Lou!!!!" Tuesday yelled out.
"Who the heck is Lou?!" Muffet asked Darla and Love.
"That's the leader! Remember? He's FRIENDLY." Love said.
"Freebird!!!" a boy in the audience yelled out.
"Hurry, stand perfectly!" Love said to Darla and Muffet. They looked at how the others stood, so they stood like them, and so did Love. There were fireworks in the air, and fireworks shooting from the walkway.
Everyone in the crowd was cheering for the leader, some
of the dolls looked exactly like eachother.

The leader was started singing, and everyone started fainting but not Muffet and Darla, because they couldn't see and didn't really know what was going on. Some robots had to push the dolls back up before they fully fainted and fell, and then, Lou, the leader, started walking down the stairs and walked across the stage.
As Muffet and Darla were trying to get a better view, they almost bumped into the uglies, but didn't, and not the two girls or the group of uglies realize they were next to eachother.
"Woohoo!!!!" Love yelled out as Lou was singing to everyone. Then, he walked over to a line of dolls who were standing perfectly.
Then, he started comparing himself to them while singing and it was kind of in a rude way.
Then, he grabbed a mirror from someone and sang while looking at it, kissed it, and then winked while smiling, the showing teeth smile.
"So let me be honest.. I got to be honest.. I'm gonna be honest....... Whether you like it or not!" he said, walking downstairs. This is the part where he was about to judge everyone.
"You're much too short. You're way too thin. Is that a blemish on your double chin?" he sang RUDELY.
"Don't ever walk a runway." he said to a girl with blood red hair which made her stop smiling.
"Or a man kissing booth.." he said to a black haired boy which made him stop smiling too.
"You're U-G-L-Y." he sang rudely as 4 boys posed looking like the letters.
"UGLY!!!!!!!!!" the boys yelled.
"And that's the ugly truth." he said, before walking away.
The uglies, Darla, and Muffet walked closer to the stage and other dolls looked at them weirdly while Lou was still singing.
"It's always pure perfection!!!!" he sang.
"Hey, you gotta look ideal."
Tuesday smiled showing teeth, looking braggy.
Lou sang as Kitty held her nose, throwing a boy in the garbage, possibly killing him.
"But hey, i can help you.. Or possibly help you.. Or hopefully help you.." Lou sang, and then sang the next line, after that, he sang the next one.
"Your head's too small." he said to Nolan.
"Your neck's too long!"
He said, putting the shooing signal at Nolan as a big white sign with words in black that readed "UGLY!" fell around Nolan's neck.
Love was staring off into space, but then suddenly Lou ran up to her and spinned her around.
"Your nose looks fine, but then it ends up all wrong." Lou sang rudely.

"So wrong!!!" the boys yelled, and Love went from looking surprised from staring off into space to looking unhappy.
"Mm, that tiny freckle.." Lou said, shoving a magnifying glass on Love's cheek.
Now she was standing in a line, in a group of 3 other people who were also insulted, as Lou was spelling out the word 'ugly' again, while one of the popular girls was spelling it out with poses, and after she did that, a huge pink pointing sign that said "UGLY!!!!" written in pink pointed at all 4 of the insulted dolls, and the boys also spelled it out with poses.
"Sorry if that made you cry!" the boys yelled, not meaning it as Nolan was crying alot.
"You're ugly, so ugly, so-" the boys said but gor interrupted.
"WAIT!!!!" Lou yelled, the spotlight now going on the uglies, Muffet, and Darla, causing Moxy to smile but the others to have their eyes widen.

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