Gauntlet Gone Great

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"It wasn't me, it was Blackie!" Kanuto said. "But how did YOU know the password?" Laika asked. "I didn't! I was just speaking to Kanuto, and-" Blackie stuttered. "You said you loved me." Kanuto said. "Yeah..! I've been stupid, and- and selfish. But from now on, i don't want to go anywhere without you. Will you forgive me?" Blackie asked.
Kanuto thought for a moment.
"No." he said.
"What?" Misfortune said to herself.
Blackie walked away. "Don't be too hard on her, she came back." Pinky said to Kanuto.
He ran over to Blackie. "So you don't want to go to the moon any longer? You're quite sure?" he asked. "A part of me still does. But I'll do whatever you want, Kanuto. We'll go where ever you decide.." Blackie said. "Why did you have that obsession about the moon?" Kanuto asked. "I couldn't have anything else i wanted. And the others didn't seem to like me much." Blackie said. "But now, you've got me!!" Kanuto said. "Yes, but, suppose i become ugly? Will you walk out on me then?" Blackie asked. "No way." Kanuto said. "I want to go back to the farm." Blackie said. "Come on, let's go home." said Kanuto.
"Wait! Before you go, did you see a blonde girl?" Misfortune asked.
"Yes, i see her right here!" Pinky blurted. Misfortune ran, and she saw Darla behind the place where the rocket was before it launched. Darla wasn't awake.
Misfortune walked over to her, and nudged her gently.
She opened her eyes, sat up, and rubbed them. Then, she looked around. "What happened?" she asked. "You fell asleep on the ground. Wait no, you're hungry right? Who falls asleep when they're hungry?" Misfortune asked. "I.. I fainted! Of hunger! Come on, let's just go back to the town already.." Darla said. "Ok. But maybe we should follow them." Misfortune said, referring to the animals.
So, they did, and the 2 humans, the 4 dogs, and the 2 sheeps started heading home.
Meanwhile at the institute, everyone took their seats and waited. After a few hours, it was finally night time and the spotlights shined on the platform. Everyone cheered, and the platform opened, showing a house that a human would have. "Are you ready for the gauntlet??????" Lou asked. Everyone cheered. "I said are you readyyyyyyyy!!!!" he said, trying to hear a yes. Somebody DID yell it, but it was behind him. It was Mandy, running towards him. "Excuse me, sorry, coming through." she said, squeezing through Nolan. "Mandy!!!! How.. Unexpected." Lou said. Kitty, Lydia, and Tuesday all gasped, because they saw the uglies walking down the stairs to the platform.
"Step aside, model slash engineer!" an ugly said to Michael. Lots of uglies were sitting in seats, and Love even saw Muffet walking. "MUFFET?? WHERE WERE YOU????????????" she called out, asking.
Muffet ran down to the platform, looking around like the main uglies did. They turned around, looking at Lou. "Hello, old friend." Ox said. "Oh, this is rich. This is really rich.. You can't possibly think you'll pass." Lou said. "Maybe we will maybe we won't. But every doll in this stadium is gonna see us try." Moxy said. "You know what Lou. When i first got here. I thought you were perfect. I couldn't find a single thing wrong with you." Mandy said, putting on her glasses. "But i can see a lot better now. Whaaaaatttttttt!!!!!!"
Lou suddenly laughed for no reason. "Yes. Yes!!!! You'll run the gauntlet. And I'm gonna run it with you!!!!" Lou said.
"I'm gonna run YOUR gauntlet, Lou!" a girl called out. "Yeah!" Lou yelled. Then, he started doing some random moves saying random words. "YOU run the gauntlet?!" Moxy asked. "I don't even have to win. I just need to make sure you lose. And when I'm done, I'll have my loyal subjects escort each and every last uglydoll to recycling. Where you belonged in the first place." Lou said.
"Now, as you all know, the gauntlet is designed to simulate real world obstacles. The participants must make it through the doggy door, and cross the finish line to win." a robot said. Everyone prepared to run, and when the horn went off, they did. They paused, looking around the room, but suddenly Moxy yelled out something happily and she and the other uglies ran around the room.
Suddenly, a huge robot dog barged through the doorway, barking at all of the dolls as they were screaming, some even running away!
Meanwhile, in Lola and Lana's house, they were both in their nightgowns, lying in bed, with the lights off, but not asleep. Lana had her hat off, and Lola had her curlers in. She also had her sleeping mask on, but it wasn't on her eyes, it was on her forehead.
"So, are you going to tell me why i didn't get invited?" Lola asked.
"No. It's just a party! It's not a big deal if you didn't get invited." Lana said. "Yes it is! She barely even knows you. She knows ME more than YOU!" Lola said. "Just chill out!!! Besides, lots didn't get invited. Kanna, Riko, and the Powerpuff girls didn't get invited either. Neither did Grace or Natsuki!" Lana said. "That's because Natsuki's not allowed to go to parties anymore!" Lola said.
"Alright, fine. You wanna know the real reason you weren't invited? May doesn't like you. She told me you are mean to Misfortune and that you're spoiled. She also said you're a brat! And yes, she invited MISFORTUNE, and not you! SO GOOD NIGHT LOLA, I AM DONE TALKING!" Lana yelled, running out of the room slamming the door behind her. She didn't care if anyone heard. They were in a deep sleep anyways.
"Y-YEAH?! WELL, GOOD NIGHT TO YOU TOO, YOU- YOU GROSS TWIN! I AM DONE WITH YOU." Lola yelled, taking her curlers out, taking her sleeping mask off, and opening the window, jumping out of it, not even bothering to put on her tiara, coat, gloves, or shoes on.
During the fight, Ugly Dog distracted the robot dog and everyone ran off. The uglies slid down the stair railings, the perfect dolls ran down the stairs, and Muffet squeezed through the bars and fell on the floor. She ran after everyone and as she was getting into the kitchen, Tuesday got shoved up a vaccuum and Babo ran back to her. Muffet kept  running, but suddenly lou threw a toilet paper roll, a bottle of soap, and a sponge at everyone. They avoided it but then Lou threw baking soda(?) at Mandy and she fell down but she told Moxy to keep going. Moxy did, and so did Ox after her. Wage and Lucky bat helped Mandy up and then they ran. Suddenly a remote control toy car picked the uglies up but Mandy, Lucky bat, and Wage avoided it. Then, later, Moxy and Ox picked them up and they drove downstairs, picking Muffet up accidentally. Suddenly while Lou was running, a robot baby, Mary, and Darla Doily ran into him!
Darla brought out a huge axe and started chasing everyone around. The baby grabbed Lou and kicked the car away and Mary was trying to pick Darla and Muffet up. "Mary?!" Muffet called out.
Suddenly, the baby grabbed Moxy and swinged her and Lou in the air. Mary grabbed Muffet and was looking for Darla, but Darla was busy chasing people, and even chopped off a perfect doll's head, causing the crowd to gasp!
Then, Ugly Dog yelled and came in riding on the robot dog from earlier with Tuesday, Nolan, and Babo. Suddenly Lou got super angry. "Unhand me, you annoying little hazard! LET GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled and kicked the baby in the face super hard, making it cry and causing the crowd to gasp again, then booing at him. The baby threw Moxy near the door and Lou in a toy box as everyone cheered. Mary knocked the axe out of Darla's hand and grabbed her, then started running for the door, as Moxy did too. But suddenly the robot baby started crying and suddenly Darla jumped out of Mary's hand and started running towards the axe. Moxy and Mary stopped running, and Moxy walked over to the baby to cheer him up as Mary was running after Darla while Lou got out of the toybox and ran for the door. Then, all of this happened at once. Moxy cheered up the baby, Lou ran out the door, and Mary finally grabbed Darla. The uglies and Mandy started walking towards Moxy and the robot baby, as the doggy door kicked Lou over the line. But it turned red. Suddenly the house opened and everyone cheered for the ones that were still in the house, and it checkmarked all of them. 3 exposition robots came up to them and congratulated them, and shot confetti out of their own heads.
"LOOK!" somebody yelled out.

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