The Basement

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"Save yourselves, it's Pinky! Quick, quick! Back to the base!" Laika said, so everyone ran away, following Laika as the loud deep maa'ing was heard again. "Hurry up! Get a move on!"
Blackie, Kanuto, and Darla ran even faster to catch up with the others. There was still loud deep maa'ing, and everyone eventually ran to a weird place with a bunch of satellites. Laika opened a door from the ground and ran into a basement looking thing, and so did the others. When everyone got in, Laika closed the door behind her, and Jhonny pressed a red button which closed all of the windows.
"We're safe, she's gone." Laika said.
"Aren't you going to get in your basket, Yuri? That's your basket there, Yuri. You know full well." she said about a sky blue dogbed.
"Are you talking to me?" Kanuto asked.
"Obviously to you. Not to that black rug or ex-princess you brought with you." the fat dog said.
"Hey! You wanna know what you can do?!" Blackie asked, running up to the dog.
"Ex-princess..?" Darla said.
"Stop, look! Guys, can someone explain to me what's going on?" Kanuto asked.
"Okay. Settle in, we'll tell you everything. Vostok, video!!!!!" Laika said to the fat dog. He listened, and typed something on his keyboard.
"You can stay too. But just don't butt in. Get it?" Laika said to Blackie.
"Laika. What is happening? Where were you at the party? Why were you gone?" Darla Asked Laika. But Laika just ignored her, again.
Suddenly, a picture of the moon on the TV showed up.
"We were chosen from thousands and thousands of dogs to be astronauts. We, and you too Yuri, are pastrinos. Extra ordinary dogs, whose capabilities have been genetically enhanced, giving us amazing powers." Laika said.
"Our mission, was to go to the moon." Vostok (the fat dog) said.
"To the moon! You see, Kanuto? You see, i was right!" Blackie said.
Then, Jhonny said something.
"He wants to know if that's your mascot. She seems to be as much a pain in the neck as Pinky is. Can you deactivate her?" Laika asked.
"Mascot? Deactivate her? Pinky??" Kanuto said, confused.
"For our mission, they planned to give us a mascot. A sweet little pink sheep genetically modified not to grow up, and not to eat too much." Vostok said.
"But, there was a hitch. As you will now see. In those days, genetic modification was in its infancy. And the scientists never foresaw, this will happen." Laika said, as the TV showed a baby lamb with a pacifier in its mouth spit it out, and then turning into a giant sheep monster.
"There's a password to deactivate her. But the guys who wrote her program DIED before they told it to us. There you are, that's why ever since, we've never been able to deactivate Pinky. She's kept on growing, and she's still angry with us. So the spaceship's getting rusty, and our chances for a moon shot have been silched." Laika said.
"But now that Yuri's back, things will be all right! Right?" Vostok asked. "Is it really possible to go to the moon?" Kanuto asked. "The rocket's been ready for years." Laika said. "There's plenty of food and water on board, enough to get us there and back." Vostok said. "So, what are we waiting for?" Blackie asked, causing Laika to stomp her paws on the ground. "Have you got cloth ears, bonehead? We can't get to the spaceship!" Laika said.
Vostok rolled his chair over to Blackie, bumping into her.
"Like i said, while Pinky's lurking out there, it's impossible for us to go up the path without being spotted." he said.
"Is there another way to get up there?" Blackie asked.
"No. And it's also the only way to get out of the valley." Laika said.
"But you've just told us there's a password to deactivate her!" Kanuto said.
"Yeah, but, we still don't know what it is. We tried loads already, but none of them have worked." Vostok said. "And, she is extremely dangerous." Laika said.
"This is getting beyond a joke. How can you possibly be scared of a pink sheep? Bunch of scaredy cats. Let me take care of this!" Blackie said.
"That's enough! Blackie, shut up! We have to think of something. I'm sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with a solution." Kanuto said. "Do you think so?" Laika asked.
"Of course, guys! Now, let's use our brains. If we think as one, we can do it!" Kanuto said. "Well, judging by the size of their skulls, i bet they'll OVERdo it." Blackie said to Darla. Then, Jhonny said something.
"What did he say?" Kanuto asked.
"He said that while we have a negative force among us, we'll come up with nothing!" Laika said.
"Right. Blackie, Darla, leave us alone." Kanuto said.
"Wait a minute! I'm a sheep! I can help you!" Blackie said.
"No. We're going to help you leave, okay?" Laika said.
"Bye!" she said, throwing Darla and Blackie out of the basement, and then closing the door.
"I pity you guys! You really are a pathetic bunch! Hmph!!!" Blackie said, before walking off.
"LAIKA!!!! We need to go home! I've eaten nothing but grass in the past few days!" Darla yelled, banging on the door. She eventually got sick of it, stopped banging, got up, and ran away into the forest.
And after Blackie got mad at the dogs when they told her she won't fit into an astronaut suit, she ran away too.
A few hours later, in the afternoon, when all the dogs woke up, Kanuto realized Blackie was missing.
"Blackie? Blackie!!!" he called out, running out of the basement. "She's gone.." Laika said, walking out of the basement.
"No, no! She can't have done!" Kanuto said.
"If you decide to go with her, we understand. We can go to the moon some other time.." Laika said.
"No, let's do it. I've had enough of her petty tantrums. Come on! I wish we were there already." Kanuto said, walking back into the basement with Laika.
As Blackie was walking in the forest, she heard loud deep growling, which made her scared. So she started running, but she heard growling again, and she ducked, but theb ran again and hided behind a tree. She heard loud deep laughing, and there was loud running behind her. She was scared, so she kept hiding behind the tree.

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