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warning: shark week talk (skip this if that makes you uncomfy)

hey, do the girly patterns on pads make you uncomfortable? well do i have the solution for you. (this sounds dumb, i'm sorry for this lmao)

try kotex pads. they work.. well, like pads should lmao. the packaging is like extremely gender neutral, so if that's an issue for you, there you go.

this might seem like tmi, i'm sorry but ik this time makes a lot of boys and enbies uncomfortable so idk this might help.

idk how to deal with the dysphoria from the rest of it though. just keep your head up and try to forget about it, dude. it sucks but it'll be over in a few days.

also this is just a side note, but i saw some dude call it a monthly oil change once and i loved it

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